So you'd do anything to be skinny...

d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
I have a list of ways to help that scale move!!! ;-)

Clip finger and toenails
1 ounce maximum

2-6 ounces

Drastic Haircut / Headshave
4-12 ounces

Cut/Trim Hair
1 oz. (ladies) 3 oz. (men)

Remove a wart
1 oz.

Take a diuretic
1-3 pounds (temporary)

Take a laxative
1-2 pounds (temporary)

Colon Therapy / Enema
2-3 pounds (temporary)

0-2 pounds (temporary)

Run a marathon on a hot day
3 lbs (women), 5 lbs (men) (temporary)

Amputate your arm
10-25 lbs (way too permanent)

Amputate your leg
15-45 lbs (again, not advised)


Take a big pee.
up to 1.5 pounds

Take a big dump
up to 2.5 pounds

Go barefoot
1-2 pounds

Go Naked
1-8 pounds (summer vs. winter)

Contact lenses vs. Glasses
0.3 pounds

No liquids all day
1-2 pounds

No food all day
2-3 pounds

No salt all day
0-1 pound

Don't wear underwear
1 oz. (thong)-2 lbs. (granny panties)

Exfoliating face wash

10 lbs maximum per surgery

Donate a kidney
3 pounds.

Breast Reduction Surgery
5-15 pounds typically.

I should be able to shave off 162.4 pounds... Granted I'll have no arms, legs, hair, kidneys and I'd be naked...


  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Nothing for my exfoliating face wash??? That's BS!!! What if I use it to exfoliate my whole body??
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member
    You forgot the top #1 for quick major weight loss, Get a DIVORCE

    This will move the scale quicker than a speeding bullet:tongue:
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    LMAO! That last line has me :laugh: