
It never fails that as soon as I was ready to go to the gym and get back into working out everything comes up. Yesterday we got a ton of snow and the weather is horrible and will be for the next week, and today I woke up starting to get sick. I figure if I can at least stick to my diet until I can get back to the gym.

Does anyone else have this happen?


  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Sounds like working out isn't a priority.
  • Buckvarney926
    Buckvarney926 Posts: 9 Member
    When you have a travel advisory and you're already sick it's not on the top of my list. I have a wife that takes her state boards in 4 days so my main focus is to not get her sick and try and get better.
  • herangel3
    herangel3 Posts: 29 Member
    On those days when you can't get to the gym, do you have a Plan B set up to work out at home?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Not exactly those obstacles, but yes, life happens to everyone. If you really want to work out, then you'll find a way to work out. You don't have to go to the gym and you don't have to go outside to exercise. Sickness is another issue, though.

    If you really don't want to exercise, then don't. Sticking to your calorie intake is what ensures weight loss anyway.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I used to...when I first started. Not anymore. Now I will get my run in rain or shine, warm or cold.

    Going to be blunt here....so please don't take this the wrong way.

    Everything you just said can pretty much be considered an excuse. You say that it never fails that as soon as you are read to go something comes up....if that is what you will keep telling yourself then something will always come up. You have to make the time to go. Just like everything else in life, you can't wait for things to fall perfectly in place or it will never happen.
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I find that if I feel good enough to go into work even when I am sick I better go to the gym. It makes me feel better. I found in the past I woud find ways to not go to the gym or not make it a priority but this year I personally want to change that. I have added what I will be working and a apporximate time to my calendar at work so that I see it each day and make sure I go.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    It never fails that as soon as I was ready to go to the gym and get back into working out everything comes up. Yesterday we got a ton of snow and the weather is horrible and will be for the next week, and today I woke up starting to get sick. I figure if I can at least stick to my diet until I can get back to the gym.

    Does anyone else have this happen?

    Yes, and it is incredibly frustrating! Sticking to your diet sounds like a good plan, and I hope you feel better soon. I guess the bright side is that maybe you can reorganize some of your tasks and get some things out of the way in the next few days so you can have extra long gym time when you get back to it.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Lots of snow here, -40 with the wind factor, I don't see what the obstacle is. I work out inside, not outside, so.... Sorry, but I think you are just looking for an excuse and I can't offer any options for this. If you don't want to work out, don't and that's it. I am not sure what is the point of your message, since you say working out is not a priority right now.... ok...... then don't.
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    I was getting ready to cycle to work this morning when I heard the rain pelting against my window... as it's a 10 mile cycle and would have been against the wind, I decided to take the tube to work but go to the gym after. That way I'm sure I'll do something today. Would have preferred to cycle though, but that's life!
  • Buckvarney926
    Buckvarney926 Posts: 9 Member
    I used to...when I first started. Not anymore. Now I will get my run in rain or shine, warm or cold.

    Going to be blunt here....so please don't take this the wrong way.

    Everything you just said can pretty much be considered an excuse. You say that it never fails that as soon as you are read to go something comes up....if that is what you will keep telling yourself then something will always come up. You have to make the time to go. Just like everything else in life, you can't wait for things to fall perfectly in place or it will never happen.

    No offense taken. It's just these last 2 days that stuff is coming up. My main priority is to not get my wife sick. I sit in an office full of coughing people so the first thing I want to do when I get off is go home and rest to try and get better. Once this cold is done and as long as I can drive to the gym I'll be there. Just wanted some other opinions.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I did a post about this earlier. Everyone has barriers, the people who are successful figure out ways around those barriers.

    Do you have a workout video? Access to you tube? stairs at your living place? I hate working out when I am sick, but I have noticed that its more about getting the motivation to start than it is to workout. Usually I feel better in the end.

    Hope this helps =)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    It never fails that as soon as I was ready to go to the gym and get back into working out everything comes up. Yesterday we got a ton of snow and the weather is horrible and will be for the next week, and today I woke up starting to get sick. I figure if I can at least stick to my diet until I can get back to the gym.

    Does anyone else have this happen?
    When you got the ton of snow, if you shoveled it, you got a workout there. What do you mean by "starting to get sick". If you just mean you are feeling a bit stuffed up and unwell, exercise is good for that. Getting your body moving will help it fight off what you are coming down with. Also take some zinc and vitamin C to help fight it off as well. The only time you shouldn't work out when minorly sick is if it is a lower respiratory illness.
    Even if you can't leave your house there are so many ways to get some exercise, so don't use not being able to get to the gym as an excuse not to do it.
    You won't get your wife sick if you make sure you wash your hands every time you touch your mouth, nose or eyes and before touching anything else, and cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
  • You are totally right! Rain or shine, I work out every single day. At home, or at the gym. No excuses
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    I used to...when I first started. Not anymore. Now I will get my run in rain or shine, warm or cold.

    Going to be blunt here....so please don't take this the wrong way.

    Everything you just said can pretty much be considered an excuse. You say that it never fails that as soon as you are ready to go something comes up....if that is what you will keep telling yourself then something will always come up. You have to make the time to go. Just like everything else in life, you can't wait for things to fall perfectly in place or it will never happen.
    When you got the ton of snow, if you shoveled it, you got a workout there. What do you mean by "starting to get sick". If you just mean you are feeling a bit stuffed up and unwell, exercise is good for that. Getting your body moving will help it fight off what you are coming down with. Also take some zinc and vitamin C to help fight it off as well. The only time you shouldn't work out when minorly sick is if it is a lower respiratory illness.
    Even if you can't leave your house there are so many ways to get some exercise, so don't use not being able to get to the gym as an excuse not to do it.
    You won't get your wife sick if you make sure you wash your hands every time you touch your mouth, nose or eyes and before touching anything else, and cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.

    all of it :)
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    There are 18-24" of snow from the last 24 hrs, with more predicted today. Plan B was this combo - very time efficient & certainly better than nothing:

    However, I just looked outside and then at the collection of outdoor clothing I have, and here's my status:
    "Huh. Weather widget says "0 degrees, feels like -18"...but January walk/run challenge isn't waiting for spring thaw. Onward!"
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I used to...when I first started. Not anymore. Now I will get my run in rain or shine, warm or cold.

    Going to be blunt here....so please don't take this the wrong way.

    Everything you just said can pretty much be considered an excuse. You say that it never fails that as soon as you are read to go something comes up....if that is what you will keep telling yourself then something will always come up. You have to make the time to go. Just like everything else in life, you can't wait for things to fall perfectly in place or it will never happen.

    No offense taken. It's just these last 2 days that stuff is coming up. My main priority is to not get my wife sick. I sit in an office full of coughing people so the first thing I want to do when I get off is go home and rest to try and get better. Once this cold is done and as long as I can drive to the gym I'll be there. Just wanted some other opinions.

    You didn't say what kind of sickness you have, but if you are feeling lousy, then just rest. For crying out loud, you're sick. You don't need to power through and exercise. You're planning to stay within your calories, so you're not going to derail your weight loss, and you're planning on going back after you get better. No one at the gym really wants you coughing and hacking all over the equipment and infecting them anyway.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I used to...when I first started. Not anymore. Now I will get my run in rain or shine, warm or cold.

    Going to be blunt here....so please don't take this the wrong way.

    Everything you just said can pretty much be considered an excuse. You say that it never fails that as soon as you are read to go something comes up....if that is what you will keep telling yourself then something will always come up. You have to make the time to go. Just like everything else in life, you can't wait for things to fall perfectly in place or it will never happen.

    No offense taken. It's just these last 2 days that stuff is coming up. My main priority is to not get my wife sick. I sit in an office full of coughing people so the first thing I want to do when I get off is go home and rest to try and get better. Once this cold is done and as long as I can drive to the gym I'll be there. Just wanted some other opinions.
    Wear a mask. Does wonders in limiting the spreading of airborn germs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Yes...life happens sometimes...but not all of the time.

    Just make sure your reasons for missing workouts are legitimate, and that you are not making excuses to miss them.
    If you find you are missing more workouts than you are getting in, you are probably making excuses.

    My advice...begin with a weekly goal...say, 3 hours a week.
    Once you start getting those 3 hours in, you might find, as I have, that working out makes you feel so great, you want to do it more often. When that happens, some of those obstacles will become easier to overcome.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Buy a treadmill and/or move to Florida !:glasses:
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    I would have that happen ALL THE TIME ... but snow turns into a missed day, then a sniffle turns into a missed week, and next thing you know it's a month later and you're thinking about getting back to the gym but ... anything.

    My solution:

    Get workout DVDs to use at home. Too cold outside? It's not snowing in the living room. Feeling a little under the weather? Come on, you don't even have to go outside, just pop that DVD in. Don't have time to go to the gym? Cut out the travel time to the gym.

    Then, pick a time, and every day at that time put the DVD in and hit play. If you don't WANT to workout, make yourself a deal -- finish 10 minutes and you can stop. At the 10 minute mark, realizing that you're already in your workout clothes, already a bit sweaty, already have the DVD running and are probably feeling a bit perkier for having worked out ... just ask yourself if you really want to quit at 10 or would you rather push on and just get it done.

    You can get DVDs that require little to no equipment - Focus T25 and Insanity you pretty much just need you and maybe a yoga mat, P90X you can do with nothing but a yoga mat and a set of bands (with the over the door pullup attachment), Jillian Michael's has half a dozen DVDs and for them you never need more than a mat, some bands, and maybe a set of dumbells, Les Mills combat just needs a mat and you.

    I'm starting P90X3 today, all you need for it is a mat and some bands, and it's only 30 minutes per day.

    If you struggle with obstacles to working out, I can't recommend workout DVDs strongly enough. The quickest way to cut through everything and just bring it down to either "I am working out" or "I lack the motivation to workout so I'm not gonna" is to make working out as easy as walking into the living room and hitting play ... not a lot of crap can happen that will physically prevent you from hitting play on the dvd player, then it's just the war between you and your inner lazy ;)