New to Boards, not the Process. 153 lbs lighter...

Hi there,

I'm Samantha. :) Been using My Fitness Pal for awhile...lost 153 pounds in about a year. i'm looking to connect with like minded, motivated people to support and inspire. Below is my story. :)

For many years on January 1st I always said, "This is the year I will lose weight." And every year I started and then quit. Well, in January 2013 I was unhealthy, tired and unhappy. My weight literally impacted every area of my life including my career, marriage and most importantly, self confidence and esteem. I decided to stop accepting mediocrity and demand something more.

My transformation began with baby steps such as cutting out fast food, sweets and simply walking for 30 minutes a day. After I began losing weight I joined a local gym and got quickly inspired by many gym members. I got to know them, asked questions and began learning everything I could about nutrition and fitness. I discovered Spinning classes and loved the burn I got in them. I was very inspired by my Spinning teacher. One day I got up the courage to talk to her. Since then, she has become one of my biggest influences and mentors. As a result of her mentorship, I now eat 5-6 well balanced meals, strength train and perform cardio 5-6 times a week. I am happy, healthy and strong. Since January 2013, I have lost 153 pounds. I am determined to take my fitness to the next level and pay it forward by inspiring others with my story. I encourage everyone to follow me for ideas, motivation and support by becoming friends with me on My Fitness Pal and following my journey more closely on Instagram @sftastic.