exercising at the office

Is there anything I can do while at work to get a little exercise in? Do butt clenches really work? I'm thinking of using a yoga ball instead of a chair. I'm in a small office and by myself quite often so I don't have to worry about looking silly while I take a few minutes to do lunges down the hall, but I don't want to really break a sweat because I do have to meet with clients throughout the day. Any advice from fellow office exercisers would be helpful, thanks!


  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    A whole load of bodyweight stuff from conventional push-ups, bw squats etc right up to more advanced close-handed push-ups, pistol squats etc.

    Maybe look up BW manual called Body By Me and see how many of those you can adapt to your office environment.

    How about halfway Pistol Squats if full pistols are not in your strength range - sitting on a chair in the office, extend one leg horizontally in front of you and stand up out of the chair with the other leg; slowly sit back down and repeat. Change legs and work the other side.

    This is stuff I do at work between clients and it is a great strength building workout without being tied to weights and gyms.

    Hope that helps.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    They have a group called deskercisers. I'm in it and notice when I'm actively on the boards I'm doing tons of stuff throughout the day.

    You can do lunges, squats, if there is a stairwell you can do stairs. I sometimes will do 30 second intervals of jumping jacks or jump rope to get my heart rate up without sweating. Tricep dips using your desk/chair. Standing side leg raises. Pushups - regular or modified using a desk, etc (no way I am touching the floor here lol). If you can use a ball are you able to bring in small dumb bells too? Could do a few arm reps here and there...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Stairs FTW!
  • Leisalynn84
    Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
    All great ideas! No stairs here, but I can certainly try all of the other things you all have listed. I love the idea to bring weights, and I didn't even think of doing push ups at my desk! I wouldn't touch the floors here either, I'm at a construction company and the guys here are filthy ; ) Thanks everyone!