Fitness and Fertility!

Hello Everyone!!!

MY name is Anakaren. I suffer from PCOS and have been trying for a baby for over 2 years. The doctor said my weight played a big role. Instead of wasting thousands on fertility treatment, I decided to lose the weight and try the natural approach to this, Its hard!!

I started at 190lbs, CW is 165lbs, GW is 130. I am looking for good motivators out there, looking at food ideas is always helpful. I would LOVE to meet other gals on the same boat as me! Looking forward to this baby journey (:


  • ruthcyn
    ruthcyn Posts: 10 Member
    Hi AnaKaren,
    Congrats on your weight loss so far, you are doing terrific! I agree with trying the weight loss first, this is a much healthier approach for you. I am not going through the same challenge as you are, I'm at the other end of the spectrum, dealing with menopause.
    I would be glad to help encourage you though.
  • Kimbosbc
    Kimbosbc Posts: 143 Member
    Hey Anakaren! I just wanted to share my story with you in hopes of adding some inspiration to your journey. My husband and I struggled with infertility for about 5 years before we decided to start fertility treatments. I knew I would need to lose some weight and also that some treatments required a certain BMI before the doctor would even do them. My starting weight was 260 lb. That was December 2011. I started MFP at that time with just watching what I was eating and vowed that I would not cheat at all. We started IUI in early 2012. We did 4 rounds and all failed. I continued to eat on plan and also added cardio 6 days a week. We decided to stop the treatments until my weight was down more. By the end of 2012 I was down 80 pounds but still had not had any luck getting pregnant. We decided that we would start treatments again around mid-2013, when my husband was scheduled to graduate. I stayed on plan and continued to exercise. I became quite the runner and finished 7 5ks in 2012. To our bewildered surprise, I tested positive for pregnancy in March, without any medical intervention. I just had boy/girl twins in Sept. 2013. I credit my weight loss and general wellbeing for our success.

    I know that PCOS makes things more difficult but please stick with it and keep your focus. It can happen.
  • aKaymorena88
    aKaymorena88 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you so much for your support (:
  • aKaymorena88
    aKaymorena88 Posts: 15 Member
    WOW ! I forgot to mention I too was tried on clomid for 6 months with no ovulation. This makes me a firm believer that there is a clear link between weight and fertility. Congratulations very much on your twin babies!! I hope your baby dust lands on me too this 2014 (:
  • Braydensmommy415
    Braydensmommy415 Posts: 18 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I too have had fertility issues since I first go pregnant at 28 and miscarried early in the pregnancy. We then chose to see a fertility doc for consultation. I was overweight during all of my treatments but had other contributing factors as well. Endo, lupus anti-coagulant being the main issues. Did many IUI's with no positives. Chose to not do IVF for various reasons. Finally came to the reality that my body was not going to give me what I wanted most. I wish you the best of luck on this journey, it will be a very emotional one as you already know but hang in there. Although my story is not a successful pregnancy story, we were blessed with a baby boy on 4/15/10 through the miracle of adoption. I don't feel like I have missed anything, he came home with us when he was a day old and I know in my heart that he was meant to be in our lives as much as we were meant to be in his :)
  • Braydensmommy415
    Braydensmommy415 Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats on your two little miracles!!
  • aKaymorena88
    aKaymorena88 Posts: 15 Member
    @ Braydensmommy: Thank you for your words and encouragement. I am ready to accept whatever comes my way. To me a mother is the one that raises, not the one that gives birth. God bless you and your family!
  • PennyLane379
    PennyLane379 Posts: 14 Member
    I suffer from PCOS as well, and while I'm not actively trying to get pregnant right now I am trying to be proactive so I won't have problems in the future. I've met with a nutritionist, and it seems that the main things to follow is limiting sodium, processed foods and sugars. Best of luck to you and your future little one :) I'd love to share your journey with you!
  • added you! never been diagnosed with PCOS although I have all the symptoms. Been TTC for over 3 years! :( I'm also losing the weight in hopes of conceiving in the future. :) Good luck to you on your journey.
  • aKaymorena88
    aKaymorena88 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you girls! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with ya'll . Cheers to our success and future babies :):)
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    Glad to find you all on here :) We are gearing up for our 4th IUI after 3 years of trying to conceive. We've had 4 pregnancies and 4 miscarriages, but we are willing to keep trying, this time with medication for support. I know that when we are eventually able to keep the pregnancy, being in the best health possible is going to get me through. I had two friends with poor diets who were "skinny fat" be faced with pre-eclampsia and the babies had to be delivered early. After this many years of trying I'm not going to lose my baby to anything I had any control over. So we are doing acupuncture, have visited a naturopath and I am doing a detox through my naturopath starting Jan 10. Would love to have some like minded buddies!:flowerforyou:
  • xSkinnyBride2Bex
    xSkinnyBride2Bex Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all,

    I just wanted to say good luck to you all.

    I also have PCOS with no cycle when I'm not taking the contraceptive pill. I'm not trying for a baby at the moment but intend to as soon as I get married.

    Would be great to speak to/support people in the same situation so please feel free to add me :smile:
  • timmer74
    timmer74 Posts: 46 Member
    All the best with your fertility!!!! We had 8 years of frustration in that department and then finally conceived our lovely daughter. For us, it was a stress-leave from work. Never count out stress..... something to talk to your doctor about. :)

    Losing some weight is always a good idea and I wish you the best! :)
  • aKaymorena88
    aKaymorena88 Posts: 15 Member
    I really appreciate everyones comments and encouraging words. It feels good to know I'm not alone and that there are many women out there on the same boat as I am. I wish you all the very best and hope all of our baby dreams come true. Count me in as a friend for support throughout the journey!
  • Hey Anakaren! I just wanted to share my story with you in hopes of adding some inspiration to your journey. My husband and I struggled with infertility for about 5 years before we decided to start fertility treatments. I knew I would need to lose some weight and also that some treatments required a certain BMI before the doctor would even do them. My starting weight was 260 lb. That was December 2011. I started MFP at that time with just watching what I was eating and vowed that I would not cheat at all. We started IUI in early 2012. We did 4 rounds and all failed. I continued to eat on plan and also added cardio 6 days a week. We decided to stop the treatments until my weight was down more. By the end of 2012 I was down 80 pounds but still had not had any luck getting pregnant. We decided that we would start treatments again around mid-2013, when my husband was scheduled to graduate. I stayed on plan and continued to exercise. I became quite the runner and finished 7 5ks in 2012. To our bewildered surprise, I tested positive for pregnancy in March, without any medical intervention. I just had boy/girl twins in Sept. 2013. I credit my weight loss and general wellbeing for our success.

    I know that PCOS makes things more difficult but please stick with it and keep your focus. It can happen.

    This is nearly my story!!! However, we tried for 4 years before having the child that we wanted to badly. We also did rounds of IUI with no positive result then decided to take a break. However, one year later (3 months shy of our we'll try again treatment again date) with continued fitness gains and weight loss we surprisingly were pregnant in Feb. 2011. We have been working on child #2 since Dec. 2012 with no success yet. I am working to lose another 20lbs or more in the upcoming months to hopefully become pregnant again.

    Add me if you want some support!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    We have been trying for 8 years with no success to date. I have PCOS and had polyps removed, with other issues that have not yet been diagnosed since the removal and he has low count and mobility.

    About 2 years ago I hit an all time low and did not know how I would ever cope with not having children should it never happen for us. It made me realize that I needed to find away to feel good about myself again. The first year was a slow start with a lot of walking and light workouts, following by a winter falling off the fitness wagon. The second year was jumpstarted by a post by a friend on facebook "My Body? My body is so amazing...because at some point it has had: 2 head, 4 hands, 4 legs, 2 different beating hearts, 2 different DNA's. I am a mom!". It made me want to feel/prove that even if my body was not going to carry a baby I could still show how strong I was. Therefore I signed up for a Tough Mudder (completed in May 2013, mother's day weekend) and now have a good fitness base and 14 races panned for the next year.

    It not a fertility success story at this point and I hope that as I lose more weight some issues may resolve resulting in my dreams coming true, but in the meantime I plan to use my training and races to show that my body is strong too!

    Wish you all the best on your fertility journey's and welcome any of you to add me for support along the way!
  • aKaymorena88
    aKaymorena88 Posts: 15 Member
    We have been trying for 8 years with no success to date. I have PCOS and had polyps removed, with other issues that have not yet been diagnosed since the removal and he has low count and mobility.

    About 2 years ago I hit an all time low and did not know how I would ever cope with not having children should it never happen for us. It made me realize that I needed to find away to feel good about myself again. The first year was a slow start with a lot of walking and light workouts, following by a winter falling off the fitness wagon. The second year was jumpstarted by a post by a friend on facebook "My Body? My body is so amazing...because at some point it has had: 2 head, 4 hands, 4 legs, 2 different beating hearts, 2 different DNA's. I am a mom!". It made me want to feel/prove that even if my body was not going to carry a baby I could still show how strong I was. Therefore I signed up for a Tough Mudder (completed in May 2013, mother's day weekend) and now have a good fitness base and 14 races panned for the next year.

    It not a fertility success story at this point and I hope that as I lose more weight some issues may resolve resulting in my dreams coming true, but in the meantime I plan to use my training and races to show that my body is strong too!

    Wish you all the best on your fertility journey's and welcome any of you to add me for support along the way!

    WOW this is a truly inspiring comment. Don't give up! Lets encourage each other (:
  • sarah_boombah
    sarah_boombah Posts: 124 Member
    Hi everyone! My name's Sarah, I'm 26 and on Christmas Day my husband and I lost our "Peanut". 1 pregnancy resulting in miscarriage and have now found out I have polycystic ovaries (but not necessarily PCOS apparently). I'm currently overweight/obese and I'm trying to get healthy for myself and future family. Looking for new friends who have similar motivation and to offer suport :) Take care, Sarah x
  • aKaymorena88
    aKaymorena88 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! My name's Sarah, I'm 26 and on Christmas Day my husband and I lost our "Peanut". 1 pregnancy resulting in miscarriage and have now found out I have polycystic ovaries (but not necessarily PCOS apparently). I'm currently overweight/obese and I'm trying to get healthy for myself and future family. Looking for new friends who have similar motivation and to offer suport :) Take care, Sarah x

    Hi Sarah!
    Well it looks like we both have that in common! My doctor said it was crucial for me to get down to a healthy weight to increase my chances of pregnancy! I'm glad you added me to have you as extra support (: