Squat Form Check

FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
Hey guys, looking for some feedback on my squat. I took a break from lifting for about 5 weeks and when I got back my squat was all messed up. I think I've got it back, but I want some feedback.

I'm lifting about 50% of my 1RM here, so naturally it won't break down, but I'm worried about butt wink (which is tough to see admitedly).



  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    It's an unfortunate video, can't actually see your but wink. That being said I do see a slight fall in your back as you go just under parallel. I think this has to do with hip flexability since your knees seem to stay put. Maybe try widening your stance a bit to allow you to sink lower.