1200 Is Not For Everyone?



  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    My experience thusfar:

    I'm 5ft 2inches, 140(ish) pounds .... 1200 calories puts me in starvation mode, I take of and put back on the same 2 pounds over and over. However, 1400 works so long as I have one day a week where I aim for over 2k. Bear in mind, I'm 46 and my metabolism slowed way down at 40 so this is what works for "My" body and isn't necessarily what would work for others.

    I'm 5'1".... dunno about starvation mode but 1500 cals/day puts me in super hangry mode... I lose at 1800 cals/day and seem to maintain around 2100 cals/day although it's hard to estimate as I maintain without tracking, i.e. just going by whether or not I feel hungry and making sure I'm getting enough protein and fat. However when i start logging, I feel like I have to "be good" so probably eat less when I actually log my food. In any case I lose on 1800 cals/day.

    I might be atypical, I put ON the 15 pounds I want to get rid of now by not eating enough. I don't hate food or have any issues where I restricted the everlovin crap out of my calories to lose weight ... I just didn't feel hungry a lot of the time. Heh, MFP is helping me to remember to eat ENOUGH to lose weight.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I'd die eating 1200 calories per day.

    I eat from 1800 to over 2000 per day and I am still losing weight and in the best shape of my life. I am a female btw.

    I do a mix of cardio and heavy lifting 5-6 times per week.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    It's not at all true that you should be eating less than 1200 calories a day. I say this as a fellow petite person. Even while pretty sedentary, I easily lose weight at 1200 calories. If you are short and on the lighter side, your weight loss will probably be a little slower just because of TDEE. But it's hard to get your nutrients met at less than 1200 calories. Plus, it's an unhappy way to live, and with no medical reason to to take it off as fast as possible, consider your quality of life.

    A 5'0 100 lb person has a BMR of around 1216 calories. That's without any type of real movement, exercise or otherwise. That means even just laying in bed, 1200 is a (teeny) deficit. Getting out of bed and living a normal day makes 1200 calories a reasonable weight loss deficit.

    Deficit is calculated off of TDEE not BMR.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You might not be loosing much weight at 1200 cals per day because your body has already gone into starvation mode. Try 1300 cals per day and watch your fat and carb intake--I've always been told that no woman ought to be eating under 1200 cals per day if she is trying to loose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. No one can last long eating only 1000 cals per day!
    Afraid not. That's not what starvation mode is.
  • bellzie7
    bellzie7 Posts: 7 Member
    I have to say I have lost weight on 1200 calories and have kept it off so far (other than a couple of kilos over Christmas). It's plenty of food as long as you eat smartly and don't blow it all on **** food.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I have to say I have lost weight on 1200 calories and have kept it off so far (other than a couple of kilos over Christmas). It's plenty of food as long as you eat smartly and don't blow it all on **** food.

    Only time food is **** is if it's overcooked or burnt
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    It's not at all true that you should be eating less than 1200 calories a day. I say this as a fellow petite person. Even while pretty sedentary, I easily lose weight at 1200 calories. If you are short and on the lighter side, your weight loss will probably be a little slower just because of TDEE. But it's hard to get your nutrients met at less than 1200 calories. Plus, it's an unhappy way to live, and with no medical reason to to take it off as fast as possible, consider your quality of life.

    A 5'0 100 lb person has a BMR of around 1216 calories. That's without any type of real movement, exercise or otherwise. That means even just laying in bed, 1200 is a (teeny) deficit. Getting out of bed and living a normal day makes 1200 calories a reasonable weight loss deficit.

    Deficit is calculated off of TDEE not BMR.

    Right, which is why even BMR being a slight deficit shows that even a person with very light activity can usually lose weight with 1200 calories.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Another vote for actually eating. I'm 5'2". I started out in February eating 1300-1500 calories a day. Increased how much I worked out & am now eating 1600-1800 a day. Lost 7.5 pounds in December.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'd die eating 1200 calories per day.

    I eat from 1800 to over 2000 per day and I am still losing weight and in the best shape of my life. I am a female btw.

    I do a mix of cardio and heavy lifting 5-6 times per week.

    If I didn't exercise six days a week, I would gain weight on the approximately 2,000 per day eat.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    It doesn't have to be complicated. If you don't exercise, you should be losing weight at 1200. If you do exercise, you can still lose weight if you eat more than 1200. No one eats 1800-1900 calories and loses weight without working out.. unless they weigh 500lbs to begin with.
    I'm 5ft 3 and I definitely built muscle by walking, hiking, running and lifting 2-3 times per week. The proof is in my measurements and what my body looks like compared to how it did! Go by how your clothes fit, not by what the scale says.
    Also, go ahead and weigh your food. I started weighing mine and was shocked that 1 serving of oatmeal is 1/2cup or 40 grams. 1/2 cup with my measuring cup is NOT 40 grams, it's more like 50-60. It does add up.
    Anyway, if what you're doing isn't working, switch it up and see what works for you. We are all different. Good luck!
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I have no advice for you except to point out that at least 3 or 4 people suggested that you need to eat more calories. Please go back and look at their tickers to see that each of these people have lost 50+ pounds. I'd listen to them...
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I've consulted a lot of non-professionals about this and I'm hoping that maybe they're right.

    I am 5 feet 1 inch and 131 pounds. I have been told that people my size should actually be eating LESS THAN 1200 calories a day. Specifically, I was told that 1050 calories a day is my minimum for losing weight without going into starvation mode. What's your take?

    How old are you? That makes a big difference.
  • asianmonkie
    I've consulted a lot of non-professionals about this and I'm hoping that maybe they're right.

    I am 5 feet 1 inch and 131 pounds. I have been told that people my size should actually be eating LESS THAN 1200 calories a day. Specifically, I was told that 1050 calories a day is my minimum for losing weight without going into starvation mode. What's your take?

    How old are you? That makes a big difference.
    I'm 27