A gravestone, 10K and an old, worn-out pair of running shoes



  • jennifers101875
    jennifers101875 Posts: 14 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Very powerful post, keep us posted on your adventure
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Depression is something that runs pretty rampant in my family and I battle the blues, too.
    I find that when I get in a groove of exercise and better eating, the depression leaves me.
    Also, laying off the booze!
    WHodathunk! Thanks for your comment
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Frankie is a great friend!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    All I can say is :drinker:
  • You've got this, man!!! This is the time! We're all rooting for you!
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm a stubborn German as well. : ) Strong post in which I'm sure many can relate… me being one of them. You're in the right mindset now just keep moving forward. You've got this!
  • I would love to be a friend or supporter after reading that intro. As someone with not the best family medical history in the world as well as studying medicine only to find that I am not in the best shape in the world, I can relate to being shocked into wanting to change. I am making similar changes in diet and exercise although I don't have anyone to bust my chops on a routine basis. I am my motivator, but I think we can help motivate each other.

    -short, stubborn, (though slightly watered down through the family lineage) German woman
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Your plan is outstanding. It looks like you have turned a corner and are willing to make all the right moves. My father had a triple bypass and although it was not until he was 72, I have made a vow that I will never get to that place if I can have anything to do with it. Like most of us I have to work hard to keep my weight off. I am simply a fat man in disguise. If I can do it, anyone can.
    If I can help in anyway, let me know.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Well done on getting started. Wishing you all the best on achieving your goals. Family history of heart disease and diabetes was one of the reasons I needed to lose weight too.
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    Love your post. Glad you are focused and you have reasonable goals

    I too am German, A Libra (October 1) and lost my father at a much too early age. Lung Cancer from almost 60 years of smoking. He quit less than a year before being diagnosed. Thankfully he had a concerned neighbor who called 911. If he had not they said he would have died in his home before another 24 hours passed. I got to have him in my life for just another 11 months but I treasure those days he lived with me

    I too have goals for my 47th birthday this year. Want to be at 220 or less by then and have run three 5Ks (April, July and September)

    We can both succeed in meeting/surpassing our goals
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Guess what?
    My daughter joined me on Couch to 5K!
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    Guess what?
    My daughter joined me on Couch to 5K!

    that's awesome. I am a bit jealous!!

    I will be starting c25k soon myself.
  • pandamorous
    pandamorous Posts: 88 Member
    Your story is touching and motivating to the core. I think your goals are definitely reasonable and I hope you stay motivated. If you'd like to add me as a friend feel free, my father's a cardiologist and I'm a physician so I'm somewhat familiar with what your father and now are going through. Good luck!
  • uscooleys
    uscooleys Posts: 34 Member
    It's great your daughter is supporting you! My daughter ran her first 10K with me last year at a Mother's Day run. She has already asked about us doing it again this year. I think we have a new family tradition.
  • Hi ...thank you for being so open and honest . I'm not sure if you have children but my son had been my inspiration to get back in shape . I lost my father when I was 4 from a stroke.....although I have always been a part time dad.....I am determined to be fit and healthy for him as he goes in to adulthood

    This life is fantastic !

    I would be honoured to be your friend and offer support through your journey
  • Being someone who also suffers from depression....and yes too much alcohol.....then I know that exercise puts new in a much better place mentally. Please remember to ask for help from your doctor there is no shame in suffering from depression.

    I sought help and a combination of counselling , low drug dosage and exercise puts me in a much better place.......really good luck to you !!
  • I'm so glad I stumbled onto your post today. I, too, came to the realization that this isn't a diet it's a lifestyle change, which is why I have failed miserably at keeping weight off in the past. I just turned 44 and I need to do this! Posts like this keep me going, thank you... I will send you a friend request :)
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    Wow! Just what I needed to read this day!
    I needed inspiration and you gave it. Consider me your Health is Wealth friend.
    Health Is Wealth is the title of a book I received from another friend with like goals for a healthy life style.
    In this book they have categorized three 'health syndromes'.
    1. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
    2. Osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis
    3. Chronic stress, insomnia, and depression

    They are grouped according to like treatments and causes. Obesity and unhealthy eating plays a role in the causes of all three syndromes. My family history puts me in the #1 category. High cholesterol being an inherited tendency for me. I lost my brother at the age of 46 to a heart attack. He fell over dead on the table at a local McDonalds while he and dad were on a coffee break from work.

    Like you, I have tried several diets, lost and gained the same 45 pounds back several times plus more! I am on a life time plan now and still modifying to get it just right. Main problems right now are portion control, and sugars.
    I noticed you are working on portion control too. I had a problem at first, telling myself that as big as I am, "I need more per portion than most people". What an excuse, huh? But it brings me to a question, Should we go cold turkey to the correct normal serving portion of a food, or gradually wean ourselves down? I realize that I tend to over think things, but I do want to do what is best for my goals. This proves that the portion control thing is really hard for me. I smoked when I was in my college years and had to try several times to quit before breaking that awful habit. I finally had to do it cold turkey. Thinking I need to dust off my food scales, and highlight the marks on my measuring cups, so that I can just go cold turkey here. Gotta shake that thought of deprivation here. Guess I just answered my own question, just bucking the answer a bit. If you have some motivational tips here, please fire them at me!

    I do not believe in diet pills...I do believe in vitamin supplements...The book Health Is Wealth explains nutrients and supplements for health, and I will continue to read through the book. I have learned that statins for cholesterol deplete the body's supply of CoQ10. I have purchased some and started it about a week ago. I already feel more energy, and well being.
    WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER. Healthy Eating Everyone !
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    A recent update:
    I finished Week Three of Couch to 5K program. Also working on strength training 3 times a week with a gym buddy.
    Had a doctor's appointment last week. With the exception of my HDL Cholesterol, all of my numbers were in normal range!
    Blood sugars dropped over 20 points from the previous blood test a little more than a year ago. Triglycerides were in the normal range, which is huge for me because after extensive looks at my blood with cardiologists, family physician and endocrinologist, we have determined that triglycerides are a terrible problem for me genetically. I also have problems with the small particle cholesterol.
    I am down 19 lbs. in 13 weeks of logging my diet and exercise.
    My family physician is recommending the Paleo or Primal lifestyles. This is not too far from what I was eating lately except I have been eating grains and pasta and breads.
    I will let you folks know more as I progress along.