Feeling hopeless Looking for friends.

After ending up in the emergency room in November I was told to go on a low fat diet due to my gallbladder. I have stuck to it. I am getting the gallbladder out on monday. However. After being on this diet I've gained 30 pounds. :( They weighed me at the surgery place and I was shocked and saddened. I could definitely use some support. I am keeping a food journal. Have a doctors appointment on the 21st. I just don't know how I've gotten this bad. I weigh 430 pounds. I have such a long way to go.


  • Janna2015
    Janna2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Aww, love your pikachu pic =) sent you a request btw, I know it is frustrating but ya know, the more you have to lose, the quicker it comes off. you can do this, MFP does work, you just gotta work it.
  • Pritree
    Pritree Posts: 24 Member
    I know it's discouraging but you did what was best for your health so please try not to feel bad! You will get back on track!
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    ADD ME :) I've lost 71 pounds since June 25th I still have a way to go BUT I couldn't have done it without MFP and holding myself accountable for what I was putting in my mouth!! Just stick to it and be honest with yourself!!!

  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    After ending up in the emergency room in November I was told to go on a low fat diet due to my gallbladder. I have stuck to it. I am getting the gallbladder out on monday. However. After being on this diet I've gained 30 pounds. :( They weighed me at the surgery place and I was shocked and saddened. I could definitely use some support. I am keeping a food journal. Have a doctors appointment on the 21st. I just don't know how I've gotten this bad. I weigh 430 pounds. I have such a long way to go.

    Aw hon - you are in GOOD company here on MFP. We ALL have felt like you do, at one time or another, whether we needed to lose 10 lbs or 200. The mindset is all the same no matter how much you have to lose, so we totally understand how you feel. I just want to give you a big hug!

    Though you may not believe it right now, please listen when we say that it is NEVER hopeless. There is ALWAYS hope. There is ALWAYS a solution to your pain and suffering. Now is your time to start your journey, and find it. You CAN be free!!!

    Do not give up. Never give up. Keep searching, looking, asking for answers. Open your ears and eyes and listen to people here when they give you good advice. Lean on this community. Talk to doctors. Talk to counselors. Eventually...it will sink in and you'll start to make changes.

    Take heart. With each step you take, you get closer to health. Keep walking and you'll reach it. Hugs.
  • audubontrail
    audubontrail Posts: 11 Member
    Sending friend request. Focus on one week at a time. You can do it!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member

    We are here to help! One day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time!

    you'll slip up and fall, and we're here to pick you up Right Away, then it may happen again. The key, Don't Stop Getting Up !!!!!!!

    YOU ARE in control of you. the food does not control you. you can take your life back

    Good luck with surgery
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Aweeee don't be sad....it makes it harder to focus on your goals...you can do this...
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    You can do it. I was 419 pounds on June 23 of this year. I'm down 138 pounds so far, and if I can do it-- YOU CAN TOO.
  • I just joined today and have over 100 lbs to lose. We can do this one day at a time. Tracking my food is very hard for me to do, however I am committing to doing this for 7 days and see where I am at. I hardly ever exercise but am determined to do 30 min. per week to start. Good luck with your surgery.
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I have been in the same boat as you, but I developed gallstones after losing weight. I had my gallbladder removed almost a year and a half ago, and it's been the best thing that ever happened to me.

    Best of luck, you can absolutely do it. Just take one day at a time and one meal at a time.
  • Thanks you guys. I hope to break through this little down patch and get on track. <3
  • Hey! You can do it, keep pushing!!! I see so many people in the clinic struggle, but their hard work def pays off!
  • tembii
    tembii Posts: 34
    Aww, let's be friends on here, I'm on everyday and I'll support the heck outta you, grrl! You can do this and you know it and we all got your back here. MFP is really awesome c:
  • LucyJordan
    LucyJordan Posts: 6 Member
    Now I am hopeless, :drinker: I have just logged on here for the first time in months - again. I have now frightened myself by my weight gain and I have to do this. I stopped weighing myself, absolutely fatal! So angry with myself, went clothes shopping before Christmas and was back to being almost in tears in the changing rooms! Sorry to moan but hopefully someone reading this will understand!
  • You're not alone! The best way to go about it is set small goals. With each small goal reached, you'll feel accomplished and it will help you stay focused.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    We all come here for our own reasons. I came because I couldn't address my health issues by taking pills before giving myself an honest chance to lose weight. My weight was the elephant on the living room sofa- I KNEW that my weight was making me sicker and sadder and older.

    I had happily told myself all the STUFF for years- I couldn't give up junk food, I was too fat to EVER lose, I was too old, I'd never succeeded before and onandonandonandonandon and then- I just stopped eating garbage food cold, no cutting back no easing off, STOPPED.

    So in a week I lost about 2 1/2 pounds. It wasn't the 100+ I needed to lose, but it meant that I could do it. So I stopped thinking about the extra hundred pound person I was dragging around and started to think about JUST ONE POUND. Oh I set myself the 5% goal too, but even for that, all I really had to focus on was just losing that ONE POUND and repeating that 100 times. And today, I'm over 55 pounds closer to where I need to be, by eating power foods and focusing on losing just one pound.

    I don't know how motivated you are, but I'm willing to bet you can lose one pound.