Getting back after shoulder surgery

Hello, I am new to MFP but so far I am really liking the tools & community.

I've got about 45 lbs that I need to shed but more importantly I want to get back to being strong & fit. After a lot of hard work I was there up until about 4 years ago. I could spout many reasons for gaining weight back the 50 lbs that I originally lost but there really is no excuse because I knew better.

I've worked hard on my diet partly for weight control but also because I have psoriasis and try to control it with as little medication as possible. At this point I've eliminated most processed foods from my diet and eat a lot of fresh veggies & fruit as well as juicing almost daily for the additional nutrients. I have a serious weakness for cheese and Blue Moon beer but I think my biggest issue with food is portion size. I need to understand that healthy food has calories too!

I have had problems with my left shoulder for 10+ years and have done therapy and cortisone shots 3 or 4 times over the years when the pain got too bad. I have always loved working out and the feelings of strength and accomplishment that accompany it and while I was conscious of my shoulder and didn't push too hard, I didn't baby it either.

I'm not one that can really lose weight without exercise and in March 2013 I got serious about getting back into the exercise habit. I started doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and loved it, but I took much longer than the recommended 12 weeks since I wanted to bring my shoulder along slowly. I was making slow but good progress when the pain in my shoulder became constant and started interrupting my sleep. Long story (not very) short, I went back to the doc and an MRI showed a 90-95% tear in one of the rotator cuff tendons. My doc advised me not to put off surgery as the longer the torn tendon is allowed to retract the more difficult it is to repair. I had surgery on July 30 and had to keep my arm immobile (other than during therapy) for 9 weeks. After 5 months, I just completed official therapy a couple weeks ago and while I still need to be careful I'm so glad to be able to start building strength back. I tried to keep up with at least some cardio but it's amazing how much energy healing requires and I put some weight back on. My therapist told me it would be a year before I get full range of motion and strength. It's been so many years since I've had either that I am trying hard not to rush it. I started back on the Body Revolution and so far it's going well.

I typically keep to myself and don't ask for help but I think participating here will definitely help bring me along better than on my own. I'd love to make some friends here and exchange support and advice. I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone may have about rotator cuff surgery and recovery. I'm also an enthusiastic member of a local CSA (community sponsored agriculture) and I'd love to discuss that as well.

My apologies for rambling on. Thanks for reading and feel free to friend me if you like.