looking for "real" friends <<most unique title ever!!

missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
Hey cuties! I'm 37, beat cancer, struggled with weight my whole life, accept others for their differences, have a bit of a potty mouth sometimes, am not offended easily, juggling working full time and raising 2 kids, I gained 60lbs with my last pregnancy (I swear that boy was trying to kill me!!) I eat food, real food, clean food, processed foods, coffee, oh God coffee, and usually eat chocolate every day ::gasp:: I drink beer and enjoy bar food, although I'm past that point where I go out. I'm learning moderation and workout every day or try to. I don't care if you log cleaning as an exercise, hey who am I to judge. I can be moody and can be really happy and farting rainbows and other days I act like someone sh1t in my oatmeal. Eh, but that's me. I like to laugh and try to find humor in most things.
I lost 50lbs in 2012 and have since, well, am fat again. I'm looking for friends with similar views. I will support your choices and support you when I can. So add me bc of everything I've learned about losing weight, the support is a big part. So I'm waving hi..cheers to a healthy new year!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Welcome! Take lots of before photos (wish I had), and read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Mother_Warrior
    Mother_Warrior Posts: 44 Member
    Hey there! I think you just might be my soul mate! ;) ... well we have a lot in common at least. I am 32, almost 33.... love Birthdays since I almost stopped having them, Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor right here!! I fight like a girl too!! .... I have lost and gained and have three kids and life is crazy busy, I WILL count cleaning as exercise! ... as long as my fat *kitten* isn't sitting on the couch I am exercising!! I am from Wisconsin, we DRINK. Clean eating? So like is that if you don't spill anything? ;) Please add me! :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hey good luck to you and all other posters...your achievements are great keep pushing.
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member
    I can be your friend :) Im afraid my diary isn't a great example of how to eat (way too much sugar!) but I can definitely support you in your weight loss endeavors as im sure you will help me too :smile:
  • Mkstehle
    Mkstehle Posts: 25 Member
    Please add me. You seem like a lot of fun. I am 43 and have been struggling since I got pregnant. Gained 40 to 60 pounds with each pregnancy. Now my youngest is 10 and I can't blame baby weight anymore...right? I also don't always eat well, I eat fast food & drink... I have 2 boys... but I want to get healthy.