Mother of 5...looking for friends


My name is Charlene. I'm a 39 yr old mother of 5. My kids ages range from 18yrs to 3 months. I need to lose 50 pounds and need help to keep me motivated. It is so hard to stay on track when you are taking care of 6 other people beside yourself. I would love to hear from some ladies who understand where I'm coming from !


  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Hi I am mdcjmom, aka Tanya 33 year old mom of 4 myself. Ages 16 15 14 and 13 feel free to add me as a friend!
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member

    I'm a mum of five too, ages from 11 to 18months, they definitely keep me on my toes so I know where you're coming from! I had about 92pds (42kg) to lose and am down 28pds (13kg) already so if you'd like to add me as afriend, feel free :) I check in everyday and I'm happy to offer some support and motivation :)
  • Hi
    My name is Natalie and I would love to be your weight loss buddy. I have an 18 yr old daughter who is currently at uni and a step daughter who is 8.. I work full time as a deputy head of a nursery and would love some company. You can also find me on facebook under daisy ducks xx
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I'm a 23 year old mom to 4 kids ages 5, 3, 1, and 1 month and I've still got about 60 pounds I know what you mean about taking care of everyone (including the hubby lol) I'm a stay at home mom so I'm here with all 4 of them 24/7 I'll send you a request! :-)
  • PattyF58
    PattyF58 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning Charlene! My name is Patty. I just began my weight loss journey again. I am replying even though I do NOT have six children. I have two grown up children (I am 55 on the verge of 56) and two grandchildren. BUT....that being said, I know how very difficult it is to find time to get dressed and showered with two children, so being a mother of five, I give you a lot of credit for taking the weight loss initiative! If I had done that when I was younger, I would not still be struggling with weight loss. I did take off almost 40 pounds about 3 years ago and reached my healthy goal weight. However, the past year has unraveled my weight loss and I am striving to take off the fifteen I have regained. Part of it is the stress of events over the past year including part time care of my mother with Alzheimers and a back injury. I'm not making excuses, just coming to terms with my behavior and its catalysts. I am new here, but I wish you all the success in the world and something tells me that if you have taken it this far, you will succeed!! Step by step....that is what I keep telling myself. Its been two days and I have stayed on track, but the scale slapped me with a weight gain this morning. I am fighting back.. My goal today is to fight for it even harder by drinking my water all weekend and not giving in just because I showed a gain.

    Fight with me....come on!!! You can do it, so can I. :)
  • chx4more
    chx4more Posts: 39 Member
    Hi. My name is Charlene as well. I am a mother of 4 ages 18-9. Best of luck to you. I would like to loose 35 lbs.