How many calories do you eat to maintain your weight



    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    25M, 5' 11'' 147LB. Cals vary. If I'm on the couch all day doing nothing, around 2500- 3000. If I'm out running 20 milers or running up mtns, 3500-4500. Most I've ever eaten in one day was 5,800 after climbing for 16hrs.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    This post made me realize I'm not sure I've ever "maintained" a day in my life. Huh.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member

    Calculate your BMR here then subratct 500cal and that's what you should be eating in order to lose weight :tongue:

    You're joking right? You know your BMR is what you need to consume just for basic organ functions, right? You should always be eating AT LEAST your bmr, and definitely more if you're active. Plus, OP is asking about maintenance so I don't understand how this would apply even if it was in the slightest bit correct.