2014 -Resolution for health and confidence

Hey, I'm Heidi. I'm 30 years old and mother of a 3 year old little girl and have a 5 year old stepson to be. I'm engaged to a lovely and caring man.

My Story:

I've never been real big but I've never been really fit either. I'm just your average girl -- most of my adult life I weighed in at about 140 lbs or so. I feel pretty good about that number. I like to eat and enjoy life. I have pretty much always been able to eat what I want without gaining a lot. In fact, in 2010 my daughter was born and after I had her I lost so much weight!! I was down to about 130lbs at my lowest. She went through a lot of health issues, had to nurse constantly due to food allergies and as a nursing mom I couldn't eat any dairy or eggs -- strict diet + breastfeeding = weight loss. Then my lil one got C.diff -- I was too stressed to eat!

In 2012, her father and I got a divorce. Shortly after I met my current fiancé. He has terrible eating habits as well! So the combination of stress and completely uninhibited eating led me to gain some weight. On top of all that I started experiencing some pretty major stomach trouble -- docs say I have really severe acid reflux.

I currently weigh about 155lbs. I would love to get back down to 140lbs!

My motivating factors are my health -- I want to get rid of the acid reflux for good. I want to go to the pool and the beach with my kids in my swimsuit fearlessly. I want to pull on my jeans effortlessly and wear tops without stressing about my muffin top. I don't want to get any bigger and have to buy new clothes lol.

So I've determined that this year I will cut down on the unhealthy snacking, the desserts, the lattes and opt for healthier choices while incorporating more exercise into my daily routine. I've also struggled with depression and I feel the endorphins are something I need!!!

So 15lbs lost by this summer is my ultimate goal! I should have no trouble if I stick with it!! I tend to cave in easily!!
Wish me luck.