
Hey everyone!

So yesterday my boyfriend asked me to go on vacation with him and his family to Florida in about 4 months. The vacation is about 2 weeks long and they do not cook any of their food the ENTIRE time; it's out to eat for every single meal. Obviously, that scared me. I will be out of my natural element: no regular gym, no oatmeal for breakfast, no green smoothies, etc. I also want to lose about 10 pounds before I go AND it doesn't help that I'm trying to go vegetarian.

What do I do when I go out to eat? How do I lose the 10 pounds before then and not gain it back during the vacation? Thanks everyone!


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I would just enjoy myself and worry about it when I get back.
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I would just enjoy myself and worry about it when I get back.

    ^This is what I did.
  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    Do you have an idea of where you are going to stay? If you are staying in a condo or somewhere that has a refrigerator, maybe you are able to stop at a local grocery store and pick up some healthy snack items to have on hand. Having a few items that you can keep on you and in the pantry would be great as well. As far as going out to eat, if you can view the menus ahead of time that would be great. As far as working out, will you be on the beach or in an area that you can go walking, running,etc? You could do a mini workout in the mornings if possible. If taking your computer and have internet access, there are many hotel room workouts on line that you could use to keep active and not disturb those around you.

    You may not be able to stay as active as you want, but you can do what you can. It is a vacation as well so I am sure there will be walking and other activities as well to keep you moving. I definitely agree with you in trying to stick to something on vacation. There is no way I could wait until I get back. Be prepared to adapt, make the best food choices you can and most of all ENJOY!!
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I never find it hard to find something to eat when dining out - There is plenty to choose from on any menu - Breakfast buffets usually offer your oatmeal,cereal,eggs, fresh fruits and plenty of veggies. And you will be doing plenty of walking in Florida so just enjoy your self .