Breakfast or No Breakfast?



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    When you wake up in the morning your metabolism is at an all time high, that's the best time to eat a lot of calories because your body can handle it and it won't turn into fat. At night, I'd say anywhere after 8, your metabolism slows down and calories will be processed into fat cells, not energy cells.

    If you're trying to be healthy, yes, eat breakfast. Nothing too big but at least something.

    If you're trying to lose weight, no, you don't have to.

    Personally I eat breakfast now because I go straight to my workout after and I'm exhausted if I don't eat anything. But if you're not doing much throughout the day, I wouldn't eat the calories. :)

    What a load of nonsense.

    Please, no one listen to this
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    What happened to the other thread you started about this? Or am I in an alternate reality?
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I was a breakfast avoider for years. I only had coffee and was so busy in the morning I never even thought of food until after noon. When I started on mfp I read that sumo wrestlers actually skip breakfast on purpose to trick their bodies to go into starvation as a way to put on weight. this was so horrifying to me that I vowed a year ago to be a reformed breakfast skipper. I am doing well and have a good breakfast most evey day now. Now I think breakfast is inportant for many reasons.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I've found that I do best if I wait until I'm hungry to eat breakfast. Sometimes it's soon after I get up. Other days it isn't until 10:00 or later. I've noticed that a lot of it is linked to what/how much/how late I ate the evening before, :smile: It works for me and doesn't seem to be inhibiting my progress (body recomp is my main goal right now). Of course, if I wait until I'm overly hungry then I do tend to eat too much, so it's important to know your body's cues. I've also learned that I do best with morning workouts before breakfast (or afternoon when I haven't eaten within at least an hour … too recently after eating and I get nauseated), but if I'm hungry when I first wake it's better to eat a Clif bar or something light like that to not upset my stomach but also not get dizzy/sick during the workout.

    Bottom line, find what works best for you. Meal timing has little correlation to weight loss, and most if it has to do with calorie control rather than timing itself.
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    On weekdays I work, so I have to be there early at 7am. I eat oatmeal each morning before work. On weekends I don't eat breakfast as I have a bigger portion lunch or dinner.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    When you wake up in the morning your metabolism is at an all time high, that's the best time to eat a lot of calories because your body can handle it and it won't turn into fat. At night, I'd say anywhere after 8, your metabolism slows down and calories will be processed into fat cells, not energy cells.

    ahahahahahaha...good one.

    OP: I addressed this issue in your other thread which seems to have disappeared?? Anyway, I too don't eat after 8pm, not because I think whatever I eat will miraculously turn into fat, but because like you (the OP), I will spend the entire evening snacking and picking away at various foods in my kitchen. I find what helps is having a cup of tea (or sometimes soup broth) around 8pm. Little to no calories and my mouth is still "busy." Not sure if you do that or need any tricks, but that's what helps with the snacking at night for me (it seems like your lack of breakfast is due to a fear of snacking later on in the day? I personally eat breakfast because I'm hungry in the morning and if I don't then I'll binge at lunch time, but I'll potentially snack at night either way.)
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    You don't have to eat breakfast if you don't want to. I like to get some calories in first thing in the morning because I've noticed that it helps me stay focused at work. Each person is different though. As long as you get enough food throughout the day, it really doesn't matter when you're getting it. Honestly. Scientifically.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    When you wake up in the morning your metabolism is at an all time high, that's the best time to eat a lot of calories because your body can handle it and it won't turn into fat. At night, I'd say anywhere after 8, your metabolism slows down and calories will be processed into fat cells, not energy cells.

    If you're trying to be healthy, yes, eat breakfast. Nothing too big but at least something.

    If you're trying to lose weight, no, you don't have to.

    Personally I eat breakfast now because I go straight to my workout after and I'm exhausted if I don't eat anything. But if you're not doing much throughout the day, I wouldn't eat the calories. :)

    How does my body know it's 8 pm and needs to slow down? just curious...

    This **** always makes me laugh. The body just doesn't work that way .. there is nothing wrong with eating after 8.
  • connorsdad07
    I eat breakfast most days, but there are ones where I don't. Sometimes I will eat breakfast but maybe not lunch and like you asked I eat more small meals throughout the day. I tend to lose more weight in a day when I do the later, but I do get busy and overly hungry sometimes too. I think everyone is different, but all of our bodies work 24/7 so I think the reason for not eating after 8pm or any time before bed is so you don't lay there with food (unmetabolized) in your stomach and gain weight from that since you don't burn that many calories while you sleep.

    I like to, if possible, to eat greek yogurt for breakfast with maybe a banana and I usually stay full for a few hours. Main thing I got from my nutrionist if make sure to eat protein with everything so you get full and stay more full longer. I like to eat a lot of yogurt because there's a wide variety now, full of protein, and it's not heavy on my stomach so I don't get the "yucky" feeling that greasy foods give you.

    Maybe try some low sodium lunch meat with reduced fat cheese rolled up, hard boiled egg, or yogurt (I like cranraisins in mine) with fruit as a light and filling solution.

    Good luck and I hope this helped ...