Calorie chart info

fat_forever Posts: 56
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey there everyone! My doctor suggested that I visit this website, so here I am. I just now joined, filled in the required info, and the chart that came up said that I needed to eat 384 carbs a day. I am curious as to why there isn't a box to check off that says you are diabetic? Checking such a box would indicate that you can't have anywhere near that many carbs, so the chart could be adjusted accordingly.

If a diabetic ate that many carbs, they'd be dead. Diabetics need to eat low carb....under 100 a day, and preferable, under 50 a day, but 50 is hard for many people to do, so I stick with 100.

Anyway, I was just wondering why the site doesn't take into account diabetics, since most type 2 diabetics are overweight and need to diet?


  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    Hey there, that is the default recommended carbs setting. If you go to my home, goals, then change goals, you can change your ratio of carbs - protein - fat to suit your specific needs, hope this helps!
  • happily
    happily Posts: 72 Member
    None of my docs has ever told me to cut carbs in relation to type 2 diabetes. My endo sent me to this site and told me just to follow it. I started on July 8, 2010 with an A1c of 8.4 (and 10.2 prior to that). I haven't had an A1c since, but I haven't had an FBS above normal in 12 straight days. I'm averaging FBS of 133 for the month of August so far, so I trust the site's guidelines.

    There is a way to adjust the carbs/fats/protein, but I'm afraid I don't know it.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    That is a good point, and I am not sure why it doesn't have that option, but you can manually change how many carbs to use as your setting by adjusting the percentage. You just go to Change Goals and Custom and can adjust it there. Perhaps the person who runs this site will see your issue, and if others have it too, then maybe something can be changed! Other than that, this site is great! Good luck!
  • None of my docs has ever told me to cut carbs in relation to type 2 diabetes. My endo sent me to this site and told me just to follow it. I started on July 8, 2010 with an A1c of 8.4 (and 10.2 prior to that). I haven't had an A1c since, but I haven't had an FBS above normal in 12 straight days. I'm averaging FBS of 133 for the month of August so far, so I trust the site's guidelines.

    Hey there Shannon! If none of your doctors told you to lower your carb intake, then you should get new doctors. Also, a FBS of 133 is way too need to have a FBS level of 70-80. A non-diabetic will never have a BG level over 120.....even after they've eaten. The ideal BG levels for a diabetic are 70-80 when fasting, and under 140 at the two hour mark after you have eaten.

    If you want to learn more about what a diabetic should be doing, I would highly recommend The people there are very friendly and helpful.

    Oh, and what you will find after talking to diabetics there from all around the world is to ignore what the ADA (American Diabetes Association) recommends for carb consumption. If you follow their guidelines, it will eventually kill you.

    The thing about doctors is that they follow the ADA's guidelines, and in doing so, they won't diagnose diabetes until your A1c is over 7.0 which is way too high. A good A1c is in the high 4's up to the mid 5's, but doctors don't tell you that. Doctors have the mindset that because you are a type 2, you won't do anything to control your diabetes, so why should they bother to treat you. That is a common attitude among many doctors.

    Anyway, I can go on and on about diabetes, but it would serve you better if you went to the diabetesforums and found out what the people there have to offer. They have a lot of good advice.<g>
  • Thanks everyone for the tips on how to change my goals. I went there and changed them so that my carb count was under 100 a day. I need to look around this site a bit, so that I know what I'm doing. It's all new to me, and I am not familiar with it yet.
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