re introduction


I am re-introducing myself. I was on MFP since January of last year and had great success. Lost 70lbs in exactly 5 months. I deleted my account and am making a fresh start. I went from 295-220 and kind of fell off the wagon and bounced back to 245.

Even though I lost 75lbs I was not happy because I stopped lifting and lost a ton of strength. This time around I am staying in the gym trying to gain muscle mass and strength during the fat loss process.

I rarely if ever do cardio and rely on caloric deficit with a little help from an EC stack. I have a feeling this will change as I get continue to lose fat and need to create more of a deficit.

If I had any wisdom to others just starting out it would be to take pictures and measurements often. The scale alone does not tell the entire story. I have a spreadsheet of my entire weight loss showing weight and measurements along with pics.