Skinny Fat - Pics - Is there any hope for my stomach?

I'm "skinny fat." I'm 5'8", 120lbs, which makes me underweight as far as BMIs go (which I understand isn't very far). I used to be a runner/yogi but have been completely inactive for a few months now after some struggles with my mental health and moving around a lot. Definitely getting back into running as soon as I get some proper shoes for the track, and hoping to find a simple strength training routine to begin as well since I want to see some muscle definition.

I'm fairly comfortable with my body BUT I have a lower belly pooch that is always on my mind. I can remember starting to compare my stomach with the flatter stomachs of my peers as early as the beginning of puberty. I know it's not a huge issue, but I feel hyper-aware of it. A couple people have told me that it could be posture related etc, but it is pinchable fat, definitely subcutaneous.

This is what I am talking about:

I am constantly scanning other people's stomachs. In real life, at the beach, in porn, whatever. I feel strange.
Basically this is my question: Is this more normal than I realize? do I have any hope of this going away without drastic (unmaintainable) effort?

I really do love my body (and when I do work out or run regularly I get killer legs!!) and I realize this seems like a small issue to some people but I focus on this all the time. I guess I'm looking for someone to say "yes, it will go away if you stick with it" or "no, suck it up, focus on the parts of your body that you love" because I think fear of becoming healthy and athletic and still having it at the end is holding me back.


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Oh, that is more than normal :) It's so small that you just can't worry about it, seriously. That's just what they airbrush out a lot, so we do not get to see how many models, etc, have one!

    If you don't work out, then it could go away or get tighter underneath, yes. But I'd definitely do muscle-building routines rather than just cardio. You really shouldn't just try to lose BF at your physique. Build up the LBM (and that can tighten things significantly).

    Cardio is still great for the heart, but don't use it (alone) to change your particular physique. You'd start looking anorexic, imho!

    edit: I forgot to add that they really shouldn't airbrush that out. Expecting every female body to have a completely flat stomach is like expecting every one to have a certain size boobs. It's just not right.
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you so much!

    I do want to build some muscle. I did do NROL4W for about a month last year and saw great improvements and had fun.. until I lost the book and had no money to pay for another month at the gym anyways. I think I'm going to either buy the book again or try a simpler routine like stronglifts or something now that I can afford a gym membership again. Just have to check out my options and find something I think I'll stick with.
  • hilarymcm
    hilarymcm Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in the same position! I was a dancer for a long time and always had amazing muscle tone and a completely flat stomach, but now I have the same stomach fat issue. I'm still a size 0 so if I even mention the word "fat" my friends lay into me, but I have a desk job where I work long hours now. I'm trying to get back in a routine as well. I'm only trying to lose a few pounds (I'm 5'6 and my "normal" is 108-112 but I've been 114-118 the last few months), but more than anything I really just want my muscle tone back! I'm doing a combination of yoga, strength training, and cardio, and ballet if I can find a class that's compatible with my work schedule. I highly recommend ballet - physically, you get strength, flexibility, and great posture, but mentally it really helped me develop self-discipline and courage.

    The good thing is that most people who are naturally thin tend to shape up very quickly once we start putting in the effort. Good luck!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Got to work the muscles to get the muscles... :wink:

    I would encourage you both to take up a weight lifting program....3x a week would be fine
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I looked at your pic....
    I would say that for the fat you are seeing you will have to go to some caloric deficit to really get rid of that....

    But that being said, I may not do much of one....I would just get into a weight room and lift weights....

    One thing I started doing a few months ago was intermittent fasting (leangains protocol)....
    Now on days I workout, I eat far more calories than I used too....but I was able to see some of the fat go away from my lower ab area.....
    On my rest days, I take in lower calories.....

    Been working good for me....

    Good Luck
  • eat_run_play
    eat_run_play Posts: 30 Member
    Just keep lifting heavy! You will get there