Need help finding a goal...

I read a lot of people's posts and they ask: can I lose ___ pounds in ___ months? Well people reply and say it depends on how much you have to lose, it's starts slowing down near the end, etc. and I didn't know either of those things.. So, I was hoping someone could help me pick a goal to shoot for.
I'd like to know how much I can lose by mid may if I am rigorous about diet and working out 6x/wk.
or if you'd rather, tell me how much I should lose and how long I should allow for that. But I'm hoping I'll at least look significantly better by the Summer.

Starting out I am 5' 3.5" and I weigh 180 pounds.

Thanks so much! Good luck to everyone!

P.S. Anyone feel free to add me! I love new MFP friends! More friends, more motivation, more accountability! :)


  • kaylorraine44
    kaylorraine44 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm about the same height and started at a couple pounds less than you. I started my weight loss journey in April 2013 and have lost almost 46lbs. It depends how hard you want to go at it - I started off aiming for 2lbs a week while now I aim for about a pound per week. It's all about sustainability over the long run. Working out 6x a week may not be sustainable for a long period of time. I wouldn't make a goal for yourself at this point. I would just start eating right and exercising and allow the weight to come off without the added pressure of some goal date looming over you. Just my opinion - good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    A good goal is 1 lb a week, IMO. Once you have less than 10 lbs to lose you can go down to 0.5 lb a week.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I'm almost at my one year mark the 20th of this one will be that point. But for me I didn't focus on the scales yes I may have set a goal but I just put a lot into it and I know I would come out better then when I started. This year I said I want to enter 2015 under 200 pounds about 30-35 pounds.

    For the number you should set your goal for depends on your frame. I have a large frame so no matter what I couldn't ever get an a size 2. I went about the top of the normal bmi chart. But really I tell myself this all time I don't know what I will look like at these numbers so I will just go with and see where it brings me.
  • Alyssawinter1221
    Thank you for all the help guys. I just hope I can at least lose 25 pounds by then.

    As for frame I'd say I'm a medium size frame, not small, but not big. I think if I worked hard enough I could fit into a 2 or a 4. I'm like a 10/12 right now for dresses, and my pants are like a 9/10. My fitness thinspiration girl is a size 2.
  • emboslice94
    I think it's great you're making goals :). But if you're just starting out or looking for other goals, maybe have weekly goals for yourself that are less weight related?
    Like for example, maybe every week, up your length of time in planks by 15 seconds, by the end of the month aim for 75 seconds! Things like that, in the short term, can help get you to the long term goals while still making you feel great with accomplishing stuff in the mean time :). Good luck!