My husband is leaving for 6 months and I've got GOALS

So before my husband and I met I dropped down to 136 from 176, however my goal was only 140. I maintained it for about 2 years until he came along. I was so lonely though before him and all I did was workout and eat clean. When he came along 2 years ago I started LIVING and I LOVE my life now. I have gotten back to 150lbs. I'm by no means unhealthy or overweight. I still workout regularly but my husband and I love eating out and trying new foods. So it's only expected that I put on a few pounds. So as my topic says, he's about to leave for 6 months and I'll be back to being lonely. ???? But I plan on losing 10lbs to get back down to my goal weight of 140. I also plan on running as many 5k's as I can find while he's gone. I would like to get back into yoga some too. I've got plenty of time on my hands for the next 6 months, and would love any advice or ideas on things I could try. I would also love to have some company on here if y'all would like! Have a great day!