Need Some Input About Cals =)

Cina04 Posts: 609
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
My daily intake is 1,200cal w/o exercise (it already subtracts 500cals). T

daily intake goes up by how much cals burned during exercise.
So from 1,200 up to 2,000 (but on average it's 1,800), is how much cals I should consume to lose weight
(i normally eat half of my workout cals - so an average my daily intake for me is 1,400.

Been doing this system for almost two months but I finally read more into my Insanity book

I noticed a daily calorie formula on how much I should be eating

655+(4.35*163)+(4.7*63)-(4.7*24) = 1,547 (daily cals w/o exercise to maintain weight)

163 = weight 63 = height 24 = age

1547.35 * 1.7 (this number is the level intensity of Insanity) = 2630.495 daily intake calories to maintain weight

2630.495 - 500 (to lose weight) = 2130.495 cals

(I'm guessing this formula you don't eat the cals burned - it didn't say anything more about cals intake)

When I start round 2 I plan to use the Insanity calculations and see how that goes.

I'm losing weight but I'm wondering maybe I could be losing more weight if I'm suppose to be eating more cals based on the Insanity formula =/


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    The webpage already tells you how much to eat to lose weight
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I'm just conflicted because I'm getting two different daily intake =/

    MFP Daily Intake 1,200 (on my rest day only eating 1,200 has me starving/giving me the munchies)

    Insanity Daily Intake 2,130

    That's a BIG difference

    Any Insane people doing the formula in the book?!?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    hmm I think its becuse you need those extra daily calories if your doing "insanity" ....the number it gives u i think is based on you doing that specific program..if that makes sense...insanity is intense so you need the extra energy...*ponders* just a thought
  • FitChickBritt
    FitChickBritt Posts: 161 Member
    When I use that formula I get about 1350 calories before you multipy it by 1.7. 1350 is what it puts me at to lose 1/2 a pound a week. Then if I burned more I could eat more. I'm sure insanity has you multiply it by 1.7 because this is the way they allot you more calories for exercise. They're basically saying that you can eat about 70% more calories b/c you will be burning that many calories doing the insanity program. Hope that helps!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    If anyone else wants to try the formula here is the chart

    exercise factor
    1.2 - little or no exercise
    1.375 - light exercise 1-3 days
    1.55 - moderate exercise 3 - 5 days
    1.7 - hard exercise 6-7 days
    1.9 - extreme (hard exercise & physical job)

    multiply exercise factor w/ number from the big formula

    than subtract 500 for weight loss
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Step 1
    655 + (4.35 * weight in lbs) + (4.7 * height in inches) -(4.7 * age)

    Step 2
    Multiply exercise factor

    Step 3
    subtract 500 for weight loss
    add 500 for weight gain
  • FitChickBritt
    FitChickBritt Posts: 161 Member
    Do you like insanity? I've wanted to try it out. Currently, I'm training for a marathon so I'm not sure if I'd have time, or if it'd smart to follow the program and train for a marathon. How long is the program, and do you think itd still work if you stretched it out doing it every other day plus marathon training?
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    It's def a must own workout!!

    This is the first workout I sticked with daily. It's a 60 day program and my endurance has been improving. The first week I felt like I wanted to puke after every workout and now I'm not 100% dying

    I'm just a beginner so all I know about is doing it daily lol But I think you'll still see results.

    I'm not following the meal plan and having good results =)
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    1st month workouts are about 30 - 45 mins long

    2nd month workouts are 45 - 60 mins long
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Insanity includes exercise calories (assumes you WILL exercise) and MFP does not, but when you DO exercise, it adds those calories to make sure you are fueling your body. Either way works fine, and they're close (within 100 calories of each other, according to your posts).
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    okay, i wanted to make sure with the formula from Insanity, I was reading it right about with that formula, I'm not suppose to "eat back exercise cals" But do eat 2130cals a day to fuel body and loss weight.

    like i mentioned early my day starts off at 1200 but with exercise depending what Insanity dvd I do and how many it goes from 1600 up to 2,000

    When I do start round two I'm going to try it w/ the formula in the book and not eat exercise cals for at least a week maybe two and see if i lose, gain, or stay the same.

    Tuesdays are my rest days and of course w/ no exercise its 1200 for day but I don't get filled up at all and just have the munchies like crazy. So I at least go for a walk now...still go over my cals that day but it seems like my body needs it.

    I'm all new to this so still trying to get the hang of it =)
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