2014 is the year this big guy shrinks

I'm turning 30 in 10 months and looking to finally change. I'm a big guy (6'3" 273) and have been all my life. My weight has yo-yoed over the last 5 years 240-275. I've had enough and looking for this year to be the year this ends. My wife and I are doing P90X3 and are through our 4th day. We're helping support each other through this journey to be fit and healthy.

Looking to add friends on a similar journey. I work long hours so may not log everyday, but looking for accountability and support and will give the same back.


  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Add me if you want. Lost 75 pounds and then found this site. Wish I would have found it sooner. Been here for 2 years and log daily. Currently in week 5 of Les Mills Pump. Have loads of healthy foods/recipes that taste great and don't taste like @$$ if interested.
  • bahston615
    bahston615 Posts: 9 Member
    Added....how have you liked Les Mills Pump? First time doing it? Have you tried any other programs?