Nutrition Info for Woolworths in-store bakery

k998 Posts: 36 Member
Our local Woolies now has an in-store 'bakery' with things such as sourdough with sour cherry and walnut or Turkish with fruit and spice. But how do I find the nutritional info on these. I couldn't find it on their website. Don't they have to provide certain info by law?

Thanks for your help :)


  • rajsma
    rajsma Posts: 2 Member
    I thought they had to provide that information as well but I don't end up buying it because I like to know the calories etc of what I am eating.
  • k998
    k998 Posts: 36 Member
    I've just found this on their website on their nutrition information page:

    "Please note: There are a few exceptions to requiring a nutrition information panel such as very small packages; foods like herbs and spices, tea, coffee; foods sold unpackaged or foods made and packaged at the point of sale."

    I guess the bakery items are considered 'made and packaged at the point of sale'.

    Going to ask when I'm next in there and see if they've got a printed sheet or anything.