
bella56 Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I find that for me the only two measurements necessary are thighs and waist, but despite losing 2.4kgs (5.5 lbs) this week and exercising quite a lot, (Stepping, walking, cycling) they don't move! I thought your measurements were supposed to go down even if your weight didn't, not the other way round. Any thoughts?


  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    hows your diet. me iv been exercising. like mad i mean enough that would make the biggest losers blush but my eating is horrible so my inches are moving but not by much but i still have alot on muscle yet to build i"m really flabby . i use to add weights to my step aerobics routine made for a killer work out , not quit theri yet but give me a week or maybe two
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    wow! This was exactly the topic i was gonna post! Ive lost 7 pounds now and my measurements have barely moved! I exercise 5 or 6 times a week...not sure why this is happening either!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    It really depends on where your fat deposits are, and how much muscle your building and where. I don't have a scale, so I don't know if I'm loosing actual weight, but my belly is smaller, but my actual waist is the same. I never have measured my thighs, but they've been getting much firmer since I got my Stay Fits (shoes for crews answer to Shape Ups).
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well, I'm not in agreement that you'll see noticeable muscle mass change in a week (or even a month), I highly doubt that. Muscle does not form quickly.

    But remember, a good portion of fat is NOT adipose fat (I.E. body fat, near the surface). Much fat is intramuscular which means it's around the organs and muscle sites, this fat generally is in the main body cavity and won't be seen. But it's bad fat, and it's good to get it off (it squeezes organs, making it more difficult for them to work to their full ability), eventually the body will work towards getting the body fat off, don't worry. Add that to the fact that some of the weight loss was probably water weight (which will generally have little affect on your measurements) and that's most likely why you haven't seen numbers change yet. Give it time, it will. Much of the success of this site is based on long term losses, 1 week is too short a time span to really start seeing drastic results (despite shows like the biggest loser), what we're looking for is long term, sustainable loss, not week over week losses.

    Hope this helps.

  • bella56
    bella56 Posts: 8
    I know this fat isn't around my organs: it's on my thighs, which I think is adipose fat. I thought after the first week the water loss would start the centimetre loss.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    would have to see your daily eating habits and exercise to even determine....but generally it takes a bit longer to see inches gone
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I find that for me the only two measurements necessary are thighs and waist, but despite losing 2.4kgs (5.5 lbs) this week and exercising quite a lot, (Stepping, walking, cycling) they don't move! I thought your measurements were supposed to go down even if your weight didn't, not the other way round. Any thoughts?

    I measure my bust, waist, the fattest part of my belly, my hips, both thighs and both calfs. I also measure to the nearest 1/8th of an inch.

    Now, if I just took say, my hips and belly measurements, I would most likely go some weeks without seeing anything happening, however, because I also measure some of those other areas, the fat may be shifting in those and not in the hips and belly.

    Take other measurements, your hips, your arms, your calfs, etc, because although your thighs and waist (your two favourites) may not shift for a while, you will probably find the fat is removing from somewhere else and being more concentrated in that area for the time being.

    You are losing the weight, so it IS coming off somewhere - time to find where.

    WTG on your weight loss this week too! No mean feat that :flowerforyou:
  • bella56
    bella56 Posts: 8
    Thank you! I measured this morning and had lost 1.5cm (just over half an inch) off my waist, which is the slimmest part of my body anyway and ALWAYS where I lose first. How do you measure your hips? I'm never sure I've got the right place to measure. I know that my thighs are a pretty reliable guage of weight loss so I stick to them.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thank you! I measured this morning and had lost 1.5cm (just over half an inch) off my waist, which is the slimmest part of my body anyway and ALWAYS where I lose first. How do you measure your hips? I'm never sure I've got the right place to measure. I know that my thighs are a pretty reliable guage of weight loss so I stick to them.

    Generally the rule is, for what ever part you are measuring, is to measure at the widest point. Usually for the hips it's just across the hip bone, but that's not always true.
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