Newbie to squats

I'm a 5'2", 145 pound girl, and I'd really like to try out incorporating squats into my workouts. I've always been a bit intimidated to go near the squat rack at the gym. There are always a lot of very large, strong, scary looking men there, and I'm really worried I'll look weak and kind of sad at first, but I have 5 months before my butt has to be in a bikini, so I guess it's time to suck it up and give it a try. Ladies, any tips, techniques, anything? How much did you first start off squatting? Guys, do you think it's sad to see a girl squatting just the bar? I'm not sure how much weight I'll be able to handle at first.


  • polostaber
    polostaber Posts: 7 Member
    You can do squats without weight ...get good form before you add weight. Pretend your sitting in a chair, do not let you knees go past the toes and go down far enough to make your thighs parallel with the floor. Do three sets of fifteen rep with NO weight. When your confidence is up, add weight. 10 lbs dumbbell at shoulder height....and then pow, your half way to a squat with shoulder press (push press) get you form down before you get on a smith machine....
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    YouTube has some great videos to show you proper form with squats and other lifts.
  • MissKriss3
    MissKriss3 Posts: 117 Member
    Squatting the bar is fine, most of us started there. You'll progress nicely with the stronglifts 5x5 program, doing 5 reps and adding 5lbs of weight each workout.

    The guys likely wont give you a 2nd glance squatting the bar, they'll be watching when you're squatting more than they do.
  • avocadoshaped
    avocadoshaped Posts: 35 Member
    It is not where you start but where you end up.

    Make sure to warm up though, I have rough knees and it definitely takes a few body weight squats to get into the grove before even stepping to the bar.

    Also if you tense your abs on the way up you can shift more weight. I tend to say "up" and tense the mid section; it seems to work but your mileage may vary.
  • Chriztii
    I am also interested in this topic, I'm not at my goal weight yet but when i am i will need to do squats and i am also dreading them especially in front of anyone. Does anyone know if it's just as beneficial to squat for long periods with your back leaning against a wall? i have horrible balance as well.

    Back to the OP, I also think you should start without weights and maybe try get your form down at home before doing them at the gym if you feel a bit self conscious ?
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm a 5'2", 145 pound girl, and I'd really like to try out incorporating squats into my workouts. I've always been a bit intimidated to go near the squat rack at the gym. There are always a lot of very large, strong, scary looking men there, and I'm really worried I'll look weak and kind of sad at first, but I have 5 months before my butt has to be in a bikini, so I guess it's time to suck it up and give it a try. Ladies, any tips, techniques, anything? How much did you first start off squatting? Guys, do you think it's sad to see a girl squatting just the bar? I'm not sure how much weight I'll be able to handle at first.

    No it's not sad to see a girl squatting just the bar... I think it's great when I see women working out and lifting weights with proper form and technique.

    You'll be surprised at how helpful these 'large, scary looking guys' will be if you just ask them for a few pointers about squatting forms.

    None of those guys want to be that 'sleezy' guy that goes up and gives coaching advice to random people, but they want to help out others learn proper form and technique. So just go ahead and ask! It'll boost their ego too that a female is picking them to ask for lifting advice!

    If I see a workout that I haven't seen or if I see a guy who I think has good technique and form, I often go up and strike up a convo and ask how they work. Haven't had one mean response anywhere!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I am also interested in this topic, I'm not at my goal weight yet but when i am i will need to do squats and i am also dreading them especially in front of anyone. Does anyone know if it's just as beneficial to squat for long periods with your back leaning against a wall? i have horrible balance as well.

    Back to the OP, I also think you should start without weights and maybe try get your form down at home before doing them at the gym if you feel a bit self conscious ?

    You don't need a 'bar' or 'rack' to squat. If shaping and toning is your goal, You can do dumbell squats/ squat jumps(very hard).

    Also, for core and to shape the 'outter' buns and thigh, try 'plank jacks'. This will improve your core strength and fix your balance problems in a short period of time.