New here-Quit Smoking-Gained Weight HELP PLEASE!

Hi! Im new here. I quit smoking this past Nov. and put on 15 pounds and I am so miserable. I never have been this much over weight in my life. I need to make some serious changes. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance!


    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    First, take a deep breath and try to relax! You may have fallen into the popular thinking that if you quit smoking you will gain weight. It isn't an absolute. You didn't say how you gained the weight. Eating more? Not doing anything to burn off the extra calories, or did it just happen when you quit smoking?

    When I quit smoking 15 years ago I lost weight at the same time, so it is possible. Look toward a new goal. Now that your lungs are smoke free take up running, spinning, bicycling, swimming, hiking, skiing, or whatever your heart desires. You can do so much more now as a non-smoker! Find your new passion and the rest will fall into place!
  • FIRST OFF you quit smoking, this is one of the most challenging things to do EVER! As an on and off smoker I can give you big PROPS. Enjoy the fact that you conquered something that will improve your health years over years.

    NOW... buckle down and get a new goal.