Anybody LOST a lot of weight then GAINED it all back?



  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    tag for later reading
  • lmclane87
    lmclane87 Posts: 6 Member
    Story of my life!
    In 2007 and then again in 2012. Lost over 30 pounds each time. Gained it back each time.
    I'm notorious for doing this and I HATE IT!
  • tessa681
    tessa681 Posts: 49 Member
    You are so not alone in that. Weight is a protection for me.
    But after loosing 70 lbs then gaining back 40 of it I"m trying to get 25 of that back off, maybe I just need to be ok w/ an inbetween body, not to great looking and not feeling like fatty mcfatty!
    Its a tough struggle!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I lost just over 50 pounds 3-4 years ago, kept it off for a few years, then gained it all back plus some while I was pregnant. A Texas Toast grilled cheese and steak fries for lunch every day (literally EVERY day) will do that to ya. Not to mention the cheese fries and chocolate chip cookies. Now I'm back down 22.5 pounds again, and I have a long way to go again.

    I had done lots of strength training before I got pregnant and quit, and it seems like as the muscle went away, the faster the weight went back on. Otherwise, it was actually pretty easy to keep the weight off just keeping my diet somewhat under control.

    I just flat out fell off the wagon, let the cravings take over, and eventually stopped caring. Wish I hadn't now.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Went from 311 to 225 (86lbs lost) in 2007

    Went from 285 to 220 (65lbs lost) in 2009

    Went from 268 to 219 (49lbs lost) in 2011

    Went from 263 to 235 (28lbs lost) in 2013

    Current weight 268

    Goal weight: 195

    I really have to figure out why this pattern keeps repeating. Maybe I need to lose weight in an even year?

    The good news started at a lower weight each time :). That's a good pattern to have, if you're gonna have a yo-yo pattern at all.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I lost about 80 pounds a year back. Then, almost instantly gained it right back. I didn't do it properly. I was too strict when I was losing, and didn't give myself a "maintenance" period to teach myself to eat for the rest of my life. I went right back to eating crap and not exercising. I've done this when I was 17, 22, 27 and now (30-31). My bf and I are planning on wedding and having babies and I don't want to be fat pregnant, nor teach my children my disgusting eating patterns, so... time to learn to be healthy. Crossing fingers that the idea of starting a family will set me straight this time.
  • bionerd316
    bionerd316 Posts: 2 Member
    I lost about 75lbs 4 years ago with the help of weight watchers (and surprisingly, no exercise!) and then managed to gain about half of that back thanks to the combination of an accelerated school program, working full time, a bad break up, and a more relaxed approach to food. I tried to get back on track this past spring, then an injury and surgery side lined me from working out (and, as usual, the diet returned to being not so great). So...trying again, doing Insanity and by tracking my food on here. Hopefully the umpteenth time is a success? It is just so hard with this being a constant struggle.. Best of luck to everyone who is struggling with the same up and down, and hopefully we can all help each other succeed with our goals :)
  • SerenaKitty
    Yes! I lost 80 pounds the first time, and gained about 65 back.

    I have an eating disorder, along with other mental health issues. I am just now learning how to treat myself kindly and eat well, rather than seeing food as an addictive substance.
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    I've gain and lost the same 40 lbs about 20 time while in the Navy. Always on a yo-yo diet. This time i'm trying to have a life style change and keep tthe weight off for good.
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    ::raises hand::

    Yeah but I am starting again! HalleluYAH!
  • cweaver1981
    cweaver1981 Posts: 76 Member
    I lost 30lbs about 8 years ago. I was so proud of myself and how I felt in my own skin. I only kept the weight off for a short period of time because I had a miscarriage and went through a rough time with depression. I just didn't care at that point! Food was a great comfort for me and I quit exercising. I successfully got pregnant again after that and unfortunately have not been very focused on losing the baby weight until NOW. Can't use the excuse I just had a baby anymore- because she just turned six.
  • NancyCatwood
    I lost about 70 pounds and gained it all back plus more. I stopped walking everyday and I didn't watch my diet anymore. Now I'm looking to loss about 100 pounds.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    Yep, guilty as charged here. Lost 65 pounds 5 years ago prior to getting married. Ended up gaining about 40 of that back, mostly due to reverting back to my old eating and drinking habits, partially due to a stressful work environment. About 2 years ago I lost about 30 and over the next year gained it all back again, same reason, poor eating/drinking habits and I stopped exercising. I have since lost that 30 pounds again and hopefully am on track to keep it off plus lose another 20-30 I hope. I think the difference this time is what I'm doing on MFP is more sustainable. I used Weight Watchers before and felt too restricted in what I was eating. I lost fast and regained fast. This time I'm losing slower but I feel I'm doing it in a healthier way that I can maintain.
  • tabithakat64
    I've always been a bit of a yoyo-er weight wise, had an eating disorder in my late teens, some success dieting with slimming World in my early 20's. Lost 30lb in 7 months last year and have gained 17lb in 8 months partially due to difficult circumstances and partially due to being a pig and now want to lose 44lb and keep it off for life.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    I have during the first 8 months of 2012 with the help of MFP I lost like 80lbs. Then I had a job change, move, an injury and a woman happen actually all in the same month. After that I gained it all back in a year, but I been back at it since July and I'm actually further along this time than last time so don't feel bad.
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 128 Member
    I lost 80lbs two and a half years ago. It stayed off mostly. Then in the last 4 months I gained back about 12 lbs (not a lot but enough to make my jeans tight) so I am back with strict calorie counting and an increase in exercise level. I did stop the calorie counting over a year ago but I never quit the exercise and that helped maintain my weight.
  • shaunamarie1133
    shaunamarie1133 Posts: 4 Member
    Through 2008-2009, after two pregnancies and a miserable marriage, I decided to work hard and get back to my premarital weight. I lost 61 pounds by eating right and running my tail off. I came within one pound of reaching my goal. Then, I began dating and lost all focus. I stopped running and began eating out -- a lot. Since 2010 I have gained back 28 pounds. Though it was "happy weight" I gained back, I jiggle in some areas and I hate knowing how so freakin' close I was to my original goal. As stupid as one pound sounds, that pound haunts me. Again I am on a mission to eat right, exercise more and to see that magic number on the scale.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    Every year for the last 3 years now I've gone down then back up around 30 lbs.
    However I am doing some things to avoid getting it back this time.

    1. Knowing my body type and how different foods effect me. (Part of the Nutrilite Bodey Key program)
    2. Keeping my gaols in front of me and my nutrition on my mind. (This is the big one)
    3. Eating clean non processed food permenantly.
    4. Staying on MFP
  • jljewell
    jljewell Posts: 28 Member
    It is comforting to see how many people are emotional eaters. I'm not alone! I've lost and gained the same 30 lbs so many times I can no longer count. I've tried various fad diets over the last decade including low carb, no wheat/gluten, juice fasting, and eating cereal for two meals with a 'healthy' dinner. This time the weight is coming off slowly, and I've finally learned it is not about what you eat, but how many calories. I'm not giving up anything or starving myself or doing long intense workouts. And that's because I came here and read the great advice here. I may have to log long term to keep myself in check, but that's okay.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    I am an emotional eater. I have been overweight most of my life. I used my size to keep people away from me. I have gained and lost various amounts over the years--anywhere from 20 to 70 pounds. I can lose it, but they some thing happens that I don't feel that I can control and gain all the weight back plus more. My daughter is my inspiration. She introduced me to mfp. Now she has moved away. We are going to exercise via Skype a couple of times a week. I am going to drink 8-`10 glasses of water each day. I have a plan. I want to be successful and learn how to keep the weight off. I need mfp to be accountable. My story is a long one and I won't share it because it will only serve to remind me that I am human and I MUST LOSE THE WEIGHT FOR MYSELF. I

    I will be on mfp each day. I will log my food and drink. I will do some form of exercise each day. I may not be perfect, but I WILL NOT GIVE UP!