I'm back (with my tail between my legs)

Sigh, here I am again.... another year, another day being overweight. I got engaged two weeks ago and whilst I am SUPER happy about that, one of my first thoughts was 'hell, I'm going to have to lose weight for this wedding'. I am still not happy with myself and could not imagine getting married at this weight, having to see the pictures afterwards and being embarrassed to look at them.
I joined my fitness pal in 2012 and lost about 10kgs with this great site. At that time I was turning 30 and planning an overseas beachy holiday. I was fitter and happier, and felt really confident on my holiday. Well, now I'm back after gaining some of the weight back on and a hellish few weeks of eating and drinking without a care....
I wish I'd never stopped logging my food and exercise on this site, it really does work.
I'm giving myself 3 months to at least start seeing some results. I'll be logging everyday and can't wait to read all of your amazing stories.


  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    It happens. You slipped. You are human =)

    I know you can get back on and that just logging Does do a lot to get you going. Starting to log for me cut my portions and then ditching my measuring cups for the food scale so I was more exact helped me fine tune even more. I'm not a patient person and have some training goals (5k late spring, and competing in Nov) so I'm back to working out but I know that's not for everyone.

    Wishing you luck and feel free to add me if you need to up your support system!
    Btw, big huge congrats on the engagement =)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Congratulations, how about trying not to focus on the day but look at the lifetime you are starting to build. Becoming more healthy will set yourself up well for a long life and happy marriage. Health is more than a number on a bathroom scale. Having the daily calories quota fresh in front of me every morning, no matter what yesterday was like has enabled me to be more forgiving of myself and has helped me be less wayward over all.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Congratulations on your engagement.

    Based on my experience I would recommend focusing on losing weight for a long and happy life together with your partner rather than just losing weight for the wedding. I did the latter and lost 6st for the wedding, got to the big day having achieved what I wanted and went back to old habits and put all the weight on plus extra. By focusing on the wedding as a goal it was a diet and not a lifestyle change.
  • georgemang82
    georgemang82 Posts: 20 Member
    Samstan101 that is really good advice. I've been overweight for the majority of my life and I guess it has never really clicked how to keep the healthy lifestyle going all the time. I'm just going to have to keep at it!
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Congratulations on your engagement! What a great time in your life, and another motivator to get back into your routine from last year. Obviously you know how to establish a routine to a more fit you. As the others have said, this is an awesome opportunity to get back into that routine, use your wedding as a near term goal, but keep the routine after marriage as well. Wishing you a wonderful wedding and a quick return to your routine! Congratulations!
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    ... it is a change of lifestyle not a new year resolution, a wedding diet or a beach body prep for a 2 weeks holiday!
  • in_therain
    in_therain Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations! I found myself in your position almost two years ago - engaged with a lot of weight to lose before I could be happy with myself in my pictures. However, wedding planning and life changes ended up being super, super stressful. I was also looking for the "quick fix" in my weight loss which, of course, stressed me out even more. Long story short, I ended up at the same weight on my wedding day a few months ago as when my husband proposed. However, when looking at my pictures, it is so much easier to see how happy I was, how much fun I was having, and how in love my husband and I are versus how heavy I am.

    My advice: put yourself first. Exercise to relieve the stress from the wedding planning, not to desperately lose the weight. Eat mindfully, but, as Fuzzipeg said, don't mind the scale. Mind how you are feeling. Also (I know you've probably heard this a million times already) ENJOY the wedding planning! The day comes and goes so fast. We're all here to support you in your journey towards health!
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Lose the weight before the wedding !! Those photos will last forever !! Pray for strength. You already know how to do it :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member

    I got engaged in Dec also and after finally settling into new house got 9 months to get back on it. Was doing so well and slipped big style. Joining new gym in new town I moved to tonight.

    Really can't afford it - as Jan a tough month but sure if I don't do it now never will!!

    All best and well done for coming back. :-)