snacks other than fruit

Ive been on my journey 10 days now (yay) I have found that everyday im over on Sodium and Sugar. The sugar is almost all coming from fruits and veggies. Any ideas of good snacks other than fruits? Also what are some good ways to cut sodium out? THANKS


  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    I was just thinking about this!! Will be interesting to read responses!!
  • sugar free jelly
    air popped popcorn
    corn thins
    rice cakes
  • mhasita
    mhasita Posts: 93 Member
    Pre-packaged stuff has a lot of sodium in it.
    eating home-made meals could be a way to cut the sodium on your diet.

    I wouldn't worry about sugar from fruits and veggies, unless you consume it in the form of juice/smoothies, sugar from fruit doesn't cause a spike in blood sugar as high as refined white sugar because fruits also have fiber on it, which slows down glucose absorption.
  • hi! i just started there 5 days ago and i see the same pattern, nearly everyday i am over in the sugar department. waaaaay over. and it makes me wonder, if im this mucih over while actually making a huge effort, what the hell levels must i have been having all along. it is actually frightening. i never realised all the hidden sugars in things, even packet soup?! is it any wonder i am here now with 150+ to lose. i have found mfp to be a real eye opener for me in that way.
    i would like to say try trail mix for snacks occasionally instead of all the fruits and lowfat yogurts but then will the nuts pop u over the edge of the Fat limit? im really learning it all myself, so looking forward to see some replies from others too. thanks for posting it in the first place though!
    continued success to u x
  • Supasteca
    Supasteca Posts: 2 Member
    Try nuts or greek yoghurt maybe. I wouldn't be worried about sugar from fruits and veggies either. It's natural sugar at least. MFP just can't tell the difference.
  • sugar free jelly
    air popped popcorn
    corn thins
    rice cakes

    good ones! sugar free jelly, had totally forgotten that
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Fruit is good for you. If you're over on sugar due to fruit, then ignore it. Humans are primates and primates have been eating fruit for millions and millions of years... if it was bad for primates to eat fruit, then I doubt we'd even have evolved....
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    If you are tracking your macros at all (protein/fat/carbs), sugar is included in carbs. There's no reason to count it twice. The sugar limit is set far too low on MFP and since it's already counted in carbs, I don't even check my sugar level. Unless you're diabetic, there's no reason you should.

    As far as sodium, it may cause water retention but plays no role whatsoever in fat loss. I try to keep mine to a reasonable level, but it's another one of those things that I don't really care all that much about. Unless you are hypo/hypertensive there's no reason to.

    Fruit and veggies are good for you.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    The sugar level on MFP is very low to begin with and doesn't differentiate between sugar from fruit and veg and added sugar. Plus sugar is a carb and carbs are already counted so don't sweat going over on sugar.

    Sodium is more of a concern. As said above processed foods are full of sodium especially meats - ham, bacon etc. Sodium causes fluid retention - water weight - to counter this you need to cut the sodium and/or have foods high in potassium - bananas, green leafy veg, fish, yoghurt are all good.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Just made some protein bars early this am and tried one out a little bit ago... they're awesome! I have a 2nd piece that counts in my "serving" so that makes me pretty happy. I'm allergic to nuts so finding "safe" bars that are nut free and aren't processed around....And... that are affordable, well, yeah. Make my own is better!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Sugar from fruit and vegies isn't anything to worry about, unless you have a medical reason to limit sugar.

    If you actually need a snack, go for something based around protein and good fat. It'll be a lot more satisfying than fruit or carb based foods
  • violamama
    violamama Posts: 4 Member
    I try to pair a protein with a fruit or carb for snacks (and a healthy fat if I can find one) -- that way I'm reducing the sugar intake overall, and my snacks go further with the protein keeping my tummy happy.

    These are just some of the things that I do for snacks that work pretty well for me:

    -cottage cheese with pineapple
    -hummus with carrots and cucumbers (and maybe a serving of pita or something similar)
    -hard boiled egg and half an apple
    -turkey jerky and grapes
    -half an apple and a cheese stick or a serving of crunchy peanut butter (spicy peanut butter if I have it)
    -greek yogurt and no-added-sugar jam
    -slices of turkey or chicken breast and melon cubes, grapes, or berries

    Hope that helps!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I wouldn't worry about the sodium.

    Snack ideas:

    Boiled eggs
    Celery sticks with almond butter
    Celery with cream cheese
    Cucumber with sour cream dip
    Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower)
    Greek yogurt, plain full fat
    Full fat cheese
    Bacon strips
    Beef jerky
    Lettuce, cheese and cold cuts roll ups