Working out with kids...



  • pastabelly
    pastabelly Posts: 50 Member
    I have a 2yo and 4yo. On my days off I try to get them to nap so I can squeeze in a short workout. On work days and weekends, I workout after husband gets home to keep an eye on them. A gym membership would be awesome but not in the budget, so I use dvds or my wii fit or if its nice out I go for a walk.
  • Wwinkel
    Wwinkel Posts: 34
    I do have a jogging stroller--but I live in MI, and so Winter work outs are indoors when it's just me and the kids. I would LOVE to have my alone time to work out--that does happen in the summer when hubs takes the kids on the fishing boat and I get to run alone. Ahhhh yesss...glorious times! lol
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I got an off road 3 wheel buggy and took my daughter running. I also got a back carrier and took her hiking. She absolutely loved it.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    I have a 4 year old and an 18 month old as well! I have attempted to do workouts "with" them... but I don't end up getting much out of it except alot of laughing!
    I'm fortunate to have a short commute to work and I have late hours... so I get my kids ready for daycare and preschool in the morning and my husband drops them off on the way to work. I then get to walk to the gym and slip in my 30 minutes daily. Weekends my husband and I switch going and watching the kids... my gym offers daycare but its expensive and the hours are silly.
    Its funny, we always try to get my 4 year old to do push up and sit ups and he's a machine w/ sit ups, but hasn't mastered the push up yet... but once, I was trying to get him to do them with me... instead he jumped up and down on the couch and counted off as I did them! He was the best drill instructor I've ever had!
  • ra1williamson
    ra1williamson Posts: 42 Member
    I have a 6 mon th old and an almost 2 year old..its hard finding time to eat breakfast and breastfeed the baby.. im exausted and have no help from husband.he is usually working or just cant handle them...yesim serious! Well i usually only work out a couple days a week. I would love to have more time for myself but thats the way itis..
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I have a 7, 5 and 3 year old so I know how challenging it is!! I have a membership to the Y with great child are facilities, I also try to workout during lunch if my work schedule permits and lately I have been doing DVDs in the morning before they wake up and the "mom" "mom" "mom" "mom" begins....
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I've got a 4 year old who now owns her own pair of 1 lb dumbbells so she can work out with me (she still bugs me for a yoga mat!). When she chooses not to, she'll play in her room or watch me from the couch. She knows enough of my routine by now for cues to when she can safely pass through the living room. It took some time before she got it, but we're peachy now.
  • potatogirl741
    potatogirl741 Posts: 64 Member
    I have an 8 month old and it's difficult. He HATES going in a playpen or bouncer so that I can work out. My only strategy right now is to do it during naps. Sigh...hoping it gets easier as he gets older and can do more things on his own. Or bug me while I work out, whatever...
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I've got a 4 year old who now owns her own pair of 1 lb dumbbells so she can work out with me (she still bugs me for a yoga mat!). When she chooses not to, she'll play in her room or watch me from the couch. She knows enough of my routine by now for cues to when she can safely pass through the living room. It took some time before she got it, but we're peachy now.

    This is BRILLIANT! Great idea with the smaller dumbbells for the kid.

  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    I'm in that boat too! I have a 3.5 yr old and a 1.5 old. I workout at home and they watch me for a bit, the baby tries to do some moves which is cute. Then she thinks I need lots of hugs which is hard. My oldest will watch for a while then she generally gets bored and finds something to play with. I've kinda figured how to work around them, even in my tiny space.
  • amynoelhall1
    amynoelhall1 Posts: 12 Member
    It really is tough, isn't it?! I have a 19 mth old who is in daycare full time during the day. The last thing I'm willing to do is put her in the gym daycare at night. So, I get up extra early and workout before she wakes up, or I wait until she goes to bed at night. I like the jogging stroller, too, but my girl only has the patience for about a 20 minute run at this point.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Let's see......with 8, 6, 4, and 2-year-old children, I know exactly why you are asking this question. Lol! My husband is gone a lot, so having him watch the children doesn't work. There are no gyms close by. So, I invested in a treadmill and started training for a 5k race with it. Yeah, it's boring to some people, but between 4 kiddos, I'm always having to bark at one of 'em! Keeps my mind off the work-out. Plus, I can always get my older boys involved in planks, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. And laughing at them trying to do jumping jacks burns extra calories, right?
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    It can be tough. My daughter is 7 and enjoys doing yoga with me but the most effective was the cart where I can drag my 7 and 2 year old behind me on bike rides... up hill... against the wind... as they yell for me to "Hurry up, mom! Giddyup! We are going to be late for the ball!"

    The first half of the ride I find it funny, the last half I am tempted to tell them they can get out and walk home. :tongue:

    I also do at home videos and often I keep a special bin of "privileged" toys down. They are rare so it makes them more excited to play with.

    If all else fails I try to incorporate them into the game by pumping up some music and dancing like maniacs until I work up a good sweat. Gone are the days where I would sweat it up at the club, now its living room rock star for me!

    Hope you find what works for you and the little ones.

  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    I can fully understand where you are coming from being a Stay at home mother with a 3 year and a 22 months old makes workouts difficult , they never just want to workout out beside you no they must walk underneath and or hang on you the whole time , S M H,I just try and get workouts when they are napping at the same time which isn't much these days , or I have my husband take one of them while I workout while the other is napping , I also take trips to the store to get walks in I make a it a point to be gone at least an hour or more so the walking counts , when its not freezing outside unlike now I take them with me on walks , its a process but I workout when I can , gyms are to expensive and so is daycare so for now this is what I do , my health isn't at risk anymore because I have already lost 34 lbs. since Jan 1st of last year I'm in a normal BMI now down from a obese BMI score. I have about 7 lbs left to hit my goal , my husband said if its not completely necessary than no , do I really need to go to s gym to workout no would it be nice yes will it happen probably not , I do not have a fit bit or a digital scale or any other gadgets just basics here , hand weights, yoga mat , medicine ball and free workouts on TV and from the library. Its all about me not giving up and I wont .:)