Will this be enough??

Santa brought me a barbell (5lbs) with 2 5lb weights and 4 10lb weights for a total of 55lbs. I am financially unable to get a gym membership at the moment but I attend a zumba class once a week. I am worried that the combination of the weight lifting and zumba won't be enough and I am totally lost on how much and how often to lift weights? If anyone out there has advice or a routine for a beginner, I would be so thankful!!


  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    Are you doing any other working out other than the Zumba once per week? Are you hoping to use the weights at home? If your goal is to lose and build muscle at the same time, then you'll have to workout more than that and incorporate cardio. In the beginning I worked out every other day for at least 30 minutes of cardio. There are a ton of weighted exercise routines on youtube that can help you get started with weights. The most important thing is not to lift too much too soon.
  • allison7922
    allison7922 Posts: 276 Member
    Yes, I plan on doing weights at home. Thank you so much!