Lost 15 Gained 20

I did so well on my diet last year, I lost 15 lbs early on and then kinda gave it up. I gained every pound of it back and then just to be generous, I gained 5 more. I'm really not happy with myself over it. I'm amazed though at how different I feel, and not a good different. I've got less energy, I'm not as confident, and I just don't feel beautiful anymore so its really buggin me. I HAVE TO GET BACK ON TRACK. My problem is I get so BORED after a little while, or I get comfortable to soon. I get excited over a measly few pounds lost and I treat myself with a cheat day and gain it back. Somebody PLEASE snap me out of this cycle.


  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    Hey :) I've been where you are! Starting up again is really hard! Last year I did Insanity and was at my best weight but then we moved and the stress of it all caused me to stop for awhile. I felt lazier and tired all the time, was hard!
    The only thing that has ever gotten me through it all is my support groups. Makes a world of difference when you have people supporting you!
    The getting bored, I get that too. It's why I try and mix things up as soon as I feel myself getting bored.
    I'd love to be that friend that helps get you to your goal weight! Just lemme know how I can help :)
  • jfoxe
    jfoxe Posts: 16

    Thanks! I've used this site and the app a few times in the past and liked it but I've never really explored the community. Its mostly just been a tool for logging and tracking my progress. I'm hoping getting into the social aspect of it as well this time will help.
  • azwildcats7
    azwildcats7 Posts: 31 Member
    I hear ya! I lost almost 15 last year and gained it all back over the course of the last couple months. I got lazy, stopped working out as much and ate out a lot and stopped tracking because I was eating so horrible. I'm determined to not get lazy this year, I'm gonna lose it and it's gonna stay off for good! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • I've had the same problem. As soon as i see some results i start getting complacent and figure i can afford a few cheat days. There on, it all just turns into a slippery slope. Laziness, boredom, and the binging kick in taking me back to where i started, if not a few pounds heavier than when i started. This time I'm determined to lose the weight and keep it off! And i must admit, the social aspect of MFP has been keeping me motivated thus far.

    Another thing that helps keep me on track is reminding myself : "Suck it up now and you wont have to Suck it in later!"
    I came across it on IG and its been a good motivator since. Hope it can help you too. (:
  • You ARE that beaufiful person, you just want your outter person to match your inner person! I have lost over 50lbs lately, and mostly due to MFP, walking, and drinking LOTS of water! How much do you really think you should loose? (if you don't mind me asking)
    Exercise in different ways and find different foods that you like so hopefully you won't get bored.

    I like Morningstar & Bocca products for soy based items, and Dannon Light & Fit is a good tasting yogurt that's pretty inexpensive and VERY reasonalbe with it's nutrition info.

    Cutting carbs should help too...like for fhe THIN CRUST pizza instead of the deep dish sort of stuff. Pepperidge Farms has "GOLDFISH PUFFS" that are good and you can have x41 for a serving worth 140calories which is like x4 servings of chips with WAY LESS fat!

    I hope this helps...
  • jfoxe
    jfoxe Posts: 16
    I joined the 30 day glute & Ab challenge that I saw in the groups. Figured that since it starts today and I started back up today it was perfect. Not sure I'll get through to the end though. Sit ups and squats are not high on my LIKE list so having to do like a million of them every day by the end of the month.
  • jfoxe
    jfoxe Posts: 16
    You ARE that beaufiful person, you just want your outter person to match your inner person! I have lost over 50lbs lately, and mostly due to MFP, walking, and drinking LOTS of water! How much do you really think you should loose? (if you don't mind me asking)
    Exercise in different ways and find different foods that you like so hopefully you won't get bored.

    I like Morningstar & Bocca products for soy based items, and Dannon Light & Fit is a good tasting yogurt that's pretty inexpensive and VERY reasonalbe with it's nutrition info.

    Cutting carbs should help too...like for fhe THIN CRUST pizza instead of the deep dish sort of stuff. Pepperidge Farms has "GOLDFISH PUFFS" that are good and you can have x41 for a serving worth 140calories which is like x4 servings of chips with WAY LESS fat!

    I hope this helps...

    50 pounds is my longterm goal. But that will bring me down to less than I've weighed since I was 16. It would make my Endocrinologist super psyched but I'm going to be psyched at 30 lbs lost. I figured hey, why not bump it up to 50 while I'm at it so he stops yelling at me lol.

    I love soy products, I just have to limit them. I have a thyroid problem and soy affects how I absorb my meds. I don't have a problem with finding diet friendly foods that I enjoy. I don't usually like yogurt but I'm a fan of Chobani so thats helping.
  • I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (hypothyroidism - my body is attacking my gland so it pretty much stopped working) and no one has ever told me that soy would effect/affect anything w/ my meds. That's interesting, I'll have to ask my aunt who's an RN and also has hypothyroidism since she had her gland removed. I take 250mcg levothyroxine / daily so I hope all the weight I loose by June will be a BIG surprice to my Endo doc! I feel better about joining these groups/message boards now that I'm finding people with similar issues!

    Thanks everyone for being open and sharing!
  • osteral
    osteral Posts: 41
    I'm right there with you on the loosing momentum. I start over, I do good for a few weeks or a month and then I slowly start backpedaling until I'm doing nothing and eating horrible. I am trying to find my exercise mojo but to be honest I really don't like exercising so that's the hardest part for me. I've joined so many challenges and never finish them. At this point I'm not sure I'll every find anything I like enough to want to stick with and exercise will always be a drag.
  • jfoxe
    jfoxe Posts: 16
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (hypothyroidism - my body is attacking my gland so it pretty much stopped working) and no one has ever told me that soy would effect/affect anything w/ my meds. That's interesting, I'll have to ask my aunt who's an RN and also has hypothyroidism since she had her gland removed. I take 250mcg levothyroxine / daily so I hope all the weight I loose by June will be a BIG surprice to my Endo doc! I feel better about joining these groups/message boards now that I'm finding people with similar issues!

    Thanks everyone for being open and sharing!

    I was diagnosed with graves disease, which basically causes hyperthyroidism. Docs treated it with radioactive iodine to pretty much kill my thyroid so it would not produce anymore. My first endocrinologist never said anything about soy either. My current one is who told me to limit soy. He didn't say cut it out all together but he said I should not be eating/drinking soy products daily, like I was at the time I first started going to him. I can't remember how he explained it I think it was something about it affecting how I absorb the Synthroid meds he has me on (he doesn't want me on the generics so no Levo for me). Online i've seen arguments saying soy is safe for me, and some saying it isn't. So I figure, it won't kill me to cut it out of my diet for the most part so, I did. I still occasionally have it but its not a staple in my house anymore.
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member

    I totally know where your coming from. I was so close to making my 100lb mark and then Thanksgiving came. I have had such a hard time during these holidays. I need to focus and get back on track myself. If you are looking for friends add me. I have an open diary, and I usually check in once a day.

  • hendrijm
    hendrijm Posts: 27 Member
    I have Hashimotos too. I also limit the soy, I don't recall if I stumbled on this on my own or if an MD told me. The reason you limit it is because soy has phytoestrogens in it and estrogen binds with thryroid hormones rendering them useless. This is also an issue with birth control. If you switch to a different form that has more/less estrogen you might need to have the thryoid dose changed as well. This is also one of the probable reasons it is good for older women. I never had weight problems until my thyroid started having issues after I graduated high school. Then the college/grad school life did not help that issue either. At the end of last year I lost twenty pounds, kept all but maybe three of them off over Thanksgiving and Christmas and I'm really happy about that! I need to get back into it though, I need to lose at least 50 more pounds. My problems are more with food than with exercise. I can motivate myself to exercise easily, I just enjoy it and I enjoy a lot of active things (Things I didn't have time to do at all in grad school.) I need to learn to cook and grocery shop and have them not feel like pulling teeth! I eat out way too much and I like soda too much.
  • jfoxe
    jfoxe Posts: 16
    I have Hashimotos too. I also limit the soy, I don't recall if I stumbled on this on my own or if an MD told me. The reason you limit it is because soy has phytoestrogens in it and estrogen binds with thryroid hormones rendering them useless. This is also an issue with birth control. If you switch to a different form that has more/less estrogen you might need to have the thryoid dose changed as well. This is also one of the probable reasons it is good for older women. I never had weight problems until my thyroid started having issues after I graduated high school. Then the college/grad school life did not help that issue either. At the end of last year I lost twenty pounds, kept all but maybe three of them off over Thanksgiving and Christmas and I'm really happy about that! I need to get back into it though, I need to lose at least 50 more pounds. My problems are more with food than with exercise. I can motivate myself to exercise easily, I just enjoy it and I enjoy a lot of active things (Things I didn't have time to do at all in grad school.) I need to learn to cook and grocery shop and have them not feel like pulling teeth! I eat out way too much and I like soda too much.

    Both my current and previous docs said that my birth control affects my thyroid, but again, my first doc didn't really explain why or go into it. Just said not to take both pills at the same time. Told me take my Synthroid first thing and take the birth control at night. Also never said anything about soy. I like my current endocrinologist because he actually explains the "why"s behind what he tells me. I don't always remember exactly how he explains things months later but he really helps me understand my condition in general. He even draws little pictures as he explains how my thyroid is affected by what ever he's telling me. He's great!
  • jfoxe
    jfoxe Posts: 16
    I'm right there with you on the loosing momentum. I start over, I do good for a few weeks or a month and then I slowly start backpedaling until I'm doing nothing and eating horrible. I am trying to find my exercise mojo but to be honest I really don't like exercising so that's the hardest part for me. I've joined so many challenges and never finish them. At this point I'm not sure I'll every find anything I like enough to want to stick with and exercise will always be a drag.

    I'm not a big fan either, but once I get going, I love it. Its just getting the motivation back up and running after I stop. Another thing I noticed is that I really struggle to have fun or get into a routine from home. I just won't do it. If I go to the gym I can do a mile or even a 5k walk on the treadmill and its fine. I just pull up a book on my smart phone or listen to music and time flies. There's a few strength training machines there I like too so there's enough variety I can throw in that I enjoy it. I CANNOT get into work out tapes in my living room. But I like fitness classes like zumba. Just a matter if kicking my butt hard enough to get out there and GO. I worked with a trainer for a little while at Lifetime Fitness and learned how to use some of the machines to target what I want to work on but he mostly taught me a bunch of different floor exercises using bands, kettle balls, pilates balls, medicine balls, you name it. It was something new every day. That really helped me to not get bored.