No energy -please read and help!



  • Angie5501
    Angie5501 Posts: 15 Member
    I am taking my lab results to my cardiologist tomorrow. I'm also going to call an endocrinologist who was recommended by a diabetic to schedule an appt. I am taking everyone's advice and feedback seriously. The lab work had said that I was at high risk of developing diabetes which is why I did a lot of Internet research, found this website, and started to make changes. However, I do agree that I need to get information from a nutritionist and doctor based on my individual case. Thank you all, again. I come on this site several times a day and will continue to read any and all feedback.
  • Angie5501
    Angie5501 Posts: 15 Member
    How does a doctor measure the resting metabolism weight? Is it done after overnight fasting?
  • Angie5501
    Angie5501 Posts: 15 Member
    I've been counting total carbs and not net carbs. Some of the carb total is coming from drinking organic whole ground psyllium husk for increased fiber intake and heart health. Also, some fat is coming from taking fish oil. I have been drinking about 12 to 15 cups of water per day.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Carbs are like premium gasoline for your body(car).

    You are instead trying to use regular or sub-par gasoline to get your car running... which is fat.

    Your car will run for a while but it will eventually poop...

    Same for your body.

    Being on a low-carb diet, your body will not efficiently burn fat to keep your body running long term. It's a short term solution.

    Make sure you eat your carbs, but that it comes from complex carbs like brown rice, steel oatmeal etc.

    I made a mistake of trying low-carb diet before because everybody raved about it. Only realized that all those people that raved about it all re-gained the weight lost and have no energy.... fail.

    I've been doing keto since July. I have yet to experience failure or zero energy. Today I felt a little sluggish, but that's because I didn't sleep as soundly as I could have. I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but that's no excuse to try to use fear-mongering towards the OP.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Carbs are like premium gasoline for your body(car).

    You are instead trying to use regular or sub-par gasoline to get your car running... which is fat.

    Your car will run for a while but it will eventually poop...

    Same for your body.

    Being on a low-carb diet, your body will not efficiently burn fat to keep your body running long term. It's a short term solution.

    Make sure you eat your carbs, but that it comes from complex carbs like brown rice, steel oatmeal etc.

    I made a mistake of trying low-carb diet before because everybody raved about it. Only realized that all those people that raved about it all re-gained the weight lost and have no energy.... fail.

    I've been doing keto since July. I have yet to experience failure or zero energy. Today I felt a little sluggish, but that's because I didn't sleep as soundly as I could have. I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but that's no excuse to try to use fear-mongering towards the OP.

  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    I have been on low carb diet for almost two weeks. Have been keeping the total carb count between 40 and 70 grams. At first, I felt great and could take walks. Now I have no energy and can't do much of anything. Even walking around a store, I feel like I am going to faint. MFP calculator says I should eat 1200 calories a day. I am 5'6.5", weigh 147.8 lbs, and would like to weigh about 135. I am female and 58 years old. Before I started the LCHF diet, I weighed about 157 lbs.

    Over the last four years, I have had a very bad lifestyle. I began working as a freelance court reporter, driving over a huge area of my state. My schedule was erratic with long hours. Anyway, I did not exercise regularly, ate poorly, and had a ton of stress. Not doing that job anymore; have gone back to graduate school and have just one year left of classes and this semester of a part time internship. Have more time to eat right and exercise.

    A little over two weeks ago, I had fasting blood work done. The blood glucose was only 81, but based on the lipid profile, the lab results indicated insulin resistance and a high risk for diabetes. Hence, the LCHF diet. However, I cannot study and do my internship, much less exercise, without enough energy to do anything other than stare at TV.

    The lifestyle I've had, plus the extra fat around my middle, would support the Dx of insulin resistance. However, I have no idea how many total carbs I should be eating. I feel better cutting out sugar, candy, corn syrup solid coffee creamer, and other junk foods. However, I need to get some energy back. Is it possible that I should up the total carb number?

    Thank you for reading this and for any help you can provide.

    Glucose fasting is 81 is AWESOME if it was 150 or higher not so good. You are most concerned about your fatigue add back more carbs. At our age weight around the middle is pretty normal. Your weight is good. My DH is Type 2 so I am getting educated with all the ups and downs. Have you been to a GI Doctor? Diverticulitis, Chrons Disease and other GI issues can cause fatigue. Two years ago I was hospitalized for mono at age 51. Missed diagnosed and tested for a lot. I was training for a half marathon and the fatigue and low grade fever only at night was my only symptom. For 3 months. So move pass the sugar and look at symptoms of fatigue. Again your weight is not bad and your sugar is well in range of normal.

    Good Health to you be your own advocate.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You've got to eat more calories. Up it to at least 1600. 1200 is far too low for your height. 70g of carbs should be enough but I hate MFP for suggesting that anyone eat 1200 calories, it's far too little for the average person.
    I agree. OP: you're my height, and not so much older than me that our calorie recs would be different, and you don't have a lot to lose. You really need to eat more calories. If you and your doc are sure you want to go low carb, try to be sure the carbs you're getting are good nutritious ones. Nutrient dense, high fiber carbs.
  • Angie5501
    Angie5501 Posts: 15 Member
    Patsy, thanks for the feedback. I do have IBS, diverticulitis, etc, but I had energy until i got about a week and a half into this diet. One positive thing is that my body doesn't ache all over all the time like it did before. I think all the sugar and junk food I was eating was causing inflammation. I upped my calories today and already am starting to feel better. I really like to make jewelry and do other creative things, but even thinking about that and designing jewelry takes energy, which I had completely lost.
  • Angie5501
    Angie5501 Posts: 15 Member
    You've got to eat more calories. Up it to at least 1600. 1200 is far too low for your height. 70g of carbs should be enough but I hate MFP for suggesting that anyone eat 1200 calories, it's far too little for the average person.
    I agree. OP: you're my height, and not so much older than me that our calorie recs would be different, and you don't have a lot to lose. You really need to eat more calories. If you and your doc are sure you want to go low carb, try to be sure the carbs you're getting are good nutritious ones. Nutrient dense, high fiber carbs.
  • Angie5501
    Angie5501 Posts: 15 Member
    I upped the calories today. It felt really good. Will balance them out better throughout the day tomorrow. Thanks for your feedback.
  • debilee12
    debilee12 Posts: 19 Member
    Angie, was your B12 tested in your labs? I would suggest taking sublingual B12 dots to help with the energy, along with Biotin daily. I notice when I 'forget' to take mine I get run down. Also, at your height and weight, you can actually up your protein to 105 grams a day. I use Syntrax medical protein which is unflavored and add an additional scoop of it to my protein drinks each day. Be sure to keep your carbs around 45. Also you need to take your calories up to about 1500 a day. The extra protein will help you to continue to lose weight, but sometimes your body will shut down if there aren't enough calories going in. When I reach a stall - and you don't hear me saying this - I go get a childs Frosty from Wendys. It will kick start my body and I start losing again. Oh, and be sure to drink water, water and more water. That is a BIG thing to help flush out impurities and keep your body lubed up. Good luck to you.