Looking for fellow students, though anyone is welcome :)

Recently I've started using MFP again after falling off the bandwagon, rolling down the hill and into the mud at the bottom. I'm looking for more people to add as more people = more motivation right? :happy:

I'm a student trying to lose the pounds I gained in the first semester and more. Just curious if there are any other students out there doing the same thing, though everyone please feel free to add me :)


  • Ngcobokazi
    Hi I'm also a student :) I just joined MFP today
  • CharisXE
    CharisXE Posts: 22 Member
    Oooh hi, what are your main goals? :)
  • Hockeydad54321
    I'm teacher.is that close enough
  • Ace1313
    Ace1313 Posts: 17
    Student here!
  • 238426
    238426 Posts: 8 Member
    me! feel free to add. I'm determined to kick the bad habits uni has brought.
  • Ngcobokazi
    Mainly wana lose the fat around my stomach, so looking to drop about 10lbs
  • CharisXE
    CharisXE Posts: 22 Member
    Sending requests out now, wonderful to meet you all! :D
  • mexistentialism
    Hi there, nursing student here.
    I'm restarting my weight loss, once again.
    I'm trying to lose about 25 lbs. Been up and down in the last few years.
    Through WW, I hit my goal weight and kept it going for about 16 months. But then I threw out all the great things I learned and regained.
    So anyways, I'm sick of seeing all my cute clothes hanging in the back of closet.
    Hang in there everybody!