Gaining weight! Advice please!

I've been logging since early December and had lost 9 pounds. I started at 181,made it down to 172. This morning I am 174.6. I have been doing crunches and burpees but not any forms of cardio really. Shouldn't my deficit help me lose the weight? Do I really NEED cardio? Do I need a bigger deficit every day than what I usually leave? It is not my TOM as that was last week. I am on a 1200 calorie diet but do not feel as if I need any more calories. I never feel hungry after I've eaten the majority of my calories. I would love some advice on this, I believe I have an open food diary. If I don't feel free to add me!


  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member

    ^will awnser your question^

    also its prolly just water

    edit to add yes cardio is good so is weight training
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight fluctuates from day to day, and during the day. Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error. Give it a week. If you're still not losing, try eating back just half your exercise calories. Give that a few weeks, then reevaluate.

    This thread has lots of good information:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    1. If you want results you NEED to have some form of cardio, even if it is just walking around the block a few times

    2. Your diary is closed so we can't really determine what is wrong with your diary. You need to open your diary

    3. You are 22 years old and 174lb, I guessed you were 5'6 because you never stated your height. Just ballparking you would actually need to eat 1600 calories a day. You can check for yourself, use inches for height:

    4. You should ALWAYS have a net calorie of at least 1200, so you should eat back some of your exercise calories, especially if you have had a vigorous workout. From personal experience if I do not have a net calorie of 1200 for a long period of time (i.e netting 600-900 every day for like 2 weeks) I end up going on a hardcore food binge that can last days.

    5. Are you actually measuring your food (food scale and/or measuring cups) accurately or even at all? You may be eating more than you think, sometimes eyeballing food and guessing the caloric value does not work.

    6. Do not forget about nutrient density. A bowl of berries has more nutrition than 1/4 of a cupcake and will keep you fuller longer.

    7. Do not deprive yourself of the foods you love. Sometimes you gotta have some of that Entenmanns Loaf Cake! You don't have to eat the entire thing just one slice, fit it into your daily caloric intake and try not to go over.

    8. Drink lots of water. You should drinking half your body weight divided by 8 per day (for you that should be 10-11 8 oz glasses per day, or try to get at least 8 glasses in, sometimes sacrificing the Pepsi if you have to.
  • JamieBeth19
    JamieBeth19 Posts: 47 Member
    1. If you want results you NEED to have some form of cardio, even if it is just walking around the block a few times

    2. Your diary is closed so we can't really determine what is wrong with your diary. You need to open your diary

    3. You are 22 years old and 174lb, I guessed you were 5'6 because you never stated your height. Just ballparking you would actually need to eat 1600 calories a day. You can check for yourself, use inches for height:

    4. You should ALWAYS have a net calorie of at least 1200, so you should eat back some of your exercise calories, especially if you have had a vigorous workout. From personal experience if I do not have a net calorie of 1200 for a long period of time (i.e netting 600-900 every day for like 2 weeks) I end up going on a hardcore food binge that can last days.

    5. Are you actually measuring your food (food scale and/or measuring cups) accurately or even at all? You may be eating more than you think, sometimes eyeballing food and guessing the caloric value does not work.

    6. Do not forget about nutrient density. A bowl of berries has more nutrition than 1/4 of a cupcake and will keep you fuller longer.

    7. Do not deprive yourself of the foods you love. Sometimes you gotta have some of that Entenmanns Loaf Cake! You don't have to eat the entire thing just one slice, fit it into your daily caloric intake and try not to go over.

    8. Drink lots of water. You should drinking half your body weight divided by 8 per day (for you that should be 10-11 8 oz glasses per day, or try to get at least 8 glasses in, sometimes sacrificing the Pepsi if you have to.

    I just went into setting and made my food diary public! I had the flu a week during December so you will see about 4-5 days of nothing logged except Gatorade because I was very nauseated. Also that was a great guess on my height because I'm about 5'5'' or 5'6'' on a good day haha! Thank you for all of your tips I will be using them! Feel free to critique my diary as well, I sure could use it. I'm not a huge breakfast eater as I usually wake up between 11am-Noon. Which will be a common thing through my diary, a missing breakfast.
  • JamieBeth19
    JamieBeth19 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you to editorgrrl and mammamaurer as well! I will try to add some cardio to my days and utilize the websites you have given me!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Strictly speaking, you don't need cardio or strength training. However, they're both useful for helping you improve your stamina and maintain muscle mass while losing fat. If you don't exercise, a good bit of weight lost will come from muscle, and you're more likely to wind up "skinny fat": within a normal weight range, but with a high percentage of body fat.

    Beyond that, I highly recommend the following threads on the "Eat, Train, Progress" group forum:

    And for more, the other threads linked in this one:

    As for your recent gain, it's probably normal fluctuation. Your weight can fluctuate by up to 5 lbs. in a day depending on eating, drinking, and eliminating.
  • JamieBeth19
    JamieBeth19 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you bwogilvie! I will check out your links! I don't want to be skinny fat that's just a waste of time!