Working out with having kids



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I make time. Happy Mommy is happy family.
  • ummsmiley
    ummsmiley Posts: 7 Member
    Yes it's really tough. I have 6 kids ages 12 down to 6 mths. I do it at like 5 am before everyone gets up and sometimes that doesn't pan out because my youngest wakes up and wants to nurse. When that happens I do it in the evening right after everyone is tucked in. I only do 30 min. An uninterrupted hour would be close to impossible. I highly recommend cafemoms 30min. Cardio for moms. It's on YouTube .
  • suzan06
    suzan06 Posts: 218 Member
    I would be exhausted too, after 6 kids all day long.

    I don't know about your baby, but with mine, there was no "put the baby in the playpen". Lolololol they would have screamed bloody murderf or the whole workout.

    My solution has always been to go to a gym with childcare, but obviously that won't work for you, on weekdays anyway. I agree with others suggestions to involve the kids. Mine are 4 and 6 now, and they love to do yoga and other floor stretches with me. Of course they do them all wrong, but whatever, they have fun.
  • fallenoaks50
    I get up at 4:30 every morning and get it done.

    Same here.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Early morning was the only thing I could ever make work with little kids. Now that the kids are older I have more flexibility, but I still like getting it done early. Depending on the age of the kids, another game you can play with them is gym teacher. We would all take turns being the teacher and choosing an exercise, led the others through it. Sounds silly and simple, but kids are easy to please!

    Good luck!!
  • jillr527
    jillr527 Posts: 17 Member
    Honestly, I totally struggle with this, too. My schedule is awesome when the kids are in school. When they are off school in the winter, I work out when my husband can watch them (which is maybe 1-2 times a week). When they are off school in the summer, I walk the neighborhood while they ride scooters alongside me (makes me go faster). One thing they LOVE to do is Just Dance, the video game, and you can get a pretty good workout from it. You can find kid-friendly songs on there. I think they even make a kid version now.
  • kmayne
    kmayne Posts: 82 Member
    I have done the "get up before the kids" or "workout after their bedtime" thing. Don't love it, but I'll do it if I want a really good workout. I have done the "do it while they're up and hope they'll join me" thing. My daughter wants to do Turbo Fire with me so badly, but gets upset that she can't do all the moves, and gives up after 5 minutes. That's even less pleasant for me, because then they get in the way and I nearly kick someone in the head accidentally. I have found my Fitbit to be really awesome for tracking my daily activity. I can just dance around with the kids all day, do cleaning or laundry, and it tracks my activity. So I have a tangible calorie deficit even if I can't get a "real" workout.
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    As others have pointed out, you need a calorie deficit for weight loss. Exercise is for fitness. Track your calorie intake and don't eat the kids' leftovers. Choose healthy snacks and meals for yourself and the kids, get outside with them when you can, or as others suggested, have a dance party! Or, my personal favorites, bench press them or overhead press them. :drinker: I have 4 kids: a 3 year old, 2 year old twins, and an 8 month old (all my own) for 12 hours every day and exercise at night when they're in bed. Yes, I'm tired at the end of the day, but who isn't? It's up you to be disciplined enough to just get done what needs to be done. If the week is too crazy to exercise much, aim for the weekend with just a day or 2 during the week.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I pop in a workout dvd and have my kids do it with me.

    When they were younger I would set them in a swing or pack n play while I worked out.

    Of course, I only have 2 kids.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I am a single mom of 3 children under 6 and I work and go to school full time. I get up at 5 and work out. It was miserable at first but the more I've lost the more energy I've had to do it. If I don't get up in the morning I do it after they go to bed. I only work out 3-4 times a week but it is worth it. That said, if you don't feel like anything will work for you at the moment you only have to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    I have 2 kids,I wake up at 4am work from 5 am to 3,then pick kids up,homework,dinner and bedtime.. Well ... There is just not enough time to exercise or to do anything... By 9pm ,Im tired as can be... And If you do the math I go to bed every night at 9:45 so can get 6-7 hours sleep. My workout consists : on my 2 days off,I double what Id normally do...
    I walk before kids go to school and then ride my bike. On the weekend after work and a short nap- I take a walk or play tennis with the kids or just run around outside.. Finally its a rutine. Still not 100% complete all the time but doing so much better then before.
  • mavis2014
    Honestly I didn't until my kids went to preschool. Just no way. You could still count calories and eat at a deficit to lose weight though, I'm guessing with 6 kids around you're probably burning a lot of calories just moving around.

    I would get a fitness monitor, like a fitbit. I think you will be shocked just how many calories you are burning. I just got a cycle/elliptical machine. I sneak 5 minutes here and there. :)
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    I have two children and work 10 hours/ day (with a 30 min commute each way). When my babies were as young as yours are I would throw them into a stroller and run with them around the neighborhood for exercise, as well as incorporate them into whatever else I as doing (sitting them on a blanket while I did some free weights, etc.) As they got older I started running around their schedule, mostly waking up early or staying up late to get my exercise in. Right now 2 days a week I go after work to an exercise class and 3 days a week I wake up at 4am to get on my treadmill and do free/body weight exercises. I also keep track diligently about what I am eating, and keep within a calorie deficit.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I get up at 4:30 every morning and get it done.
    This. I get up at 5. I don't quite have a 10 1/2 hour day like the original poster, but I do work outside the home and have to get my daughter up and out to school, homework, dinner, etc.

    You make time for it, whether it's 5 in the morning or 10 at night.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I get up at 4:30 every morning and get it done.

    This...and having teenagers that can help with the little ones. Lol
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    This has been challenging for me. I work in the ER and my hours vary between days, nights and evenings. Many shifts are 12 hours plus commute time and i often get off late at night (ie 1am or so) and have to get up with my son at 7am. i try to have the nanny come early before my shift when I can so I can workout and when I work days I try to work out after my son goes to bed. Sometimes I try to pop in a DVD while he is there but he's 18 months and often underfoot.

    While it's true that you can lose weight without exercise, I don't recommend it. i think strength training is vital for preserving muscle tissue while you lose fat and it helps you look good naked. Try 30 day shred (just 25 minutes) or even 8 minutes in the morning program (you could do it at night) and build up from there
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member

    I am at home with a 3 and 4 year old (who think the barbell is cool and want to 'help' daddy or just imitate me) and I still get it done. A single 5 month old would be like a vacation!

    She doesn't have a single five month old, she has 6 kids round 10.5 hours of the day!

    The other posters are right :) weight loss comes with a sustained calorie deficit, and MFP is great at working out goals for you if you're unsure of what you want to do at the moment :)
    Fortunately the days on Earth are 24 hours long instead of 10.5 hours long, leaving several hours during each day when she only has one 5 month old.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    When my son was a baby, I'd bring him to zumba class in his carseat or bring his stationary play thingee, or height chair. I like the idea someone said about get everyone dancing. Maybe you could do some sort of workout before the kids get to your house for daycare.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    This has been challenging for me. I work in the ER and my hours vary between days, nights and evenings. Many shifts are 12 hours plus commute time and i often get off late at night (ie 1am or so) and have to get up with my son at 7am. i try to have the nanny come early before my shift when I can so I can workout and when I work days I try to work out after my son goes to bed. Sometimes I try to pop in a DVD while he is there but he's 18 months and often underfoot.

    While it's true that you can lose weight without exercise, I don't recommend it. i think strength training is vital for preserving muscle tissue while you lose fat and it helps you look good naked. Try 30 day shred (just 25 minutes) or even 8 minutes in the morning program (you could do it at night) and build up from there

    ^^^This, plus you can always put the baby in a playpen now, before he learns to climb out. Lol. Love those arms!^^^
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member

    I am at home with a 3 and 4 year old (who think the barbell is cool and want to 'help' daddy or just imitate me) and I still get it done. A single 5 month old would be like a vacation!

    She doesn't have a single five month old, she has 6 kids round 10.5 hours of the day!

    The other posters are right :) weight loss comes with a sustained calorie deficit, and MFP is great at working out goals for you if you're unsure of what you want to do at the moment :)
    Fortunately the days on Earth are 24 hours long instead of 10.5 hours long, leaving several hours during each day when she only has one 5 month old.

    Seriously, she's not the only parent on the face of this planet that work longish hours. If it's important you'll work it into your routine. May take some working but it will happen if she wants it to.