Anybody losing on about 1500?

I upped my calories because I was hungry and tired and if that's what it takes to lose weight, then no thanks! I'm 36, 160Lbs, and pretty sedentary outside of intentional exercise, as I work a desk job and drive 3 hours a day. Would like a couple friends who eat at least 1500, preferably without hours of exercise daily or huge calorie burns? Thanks!


  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 195 Member
    That's what I'm doing at the moment - just upped my cals yesterday so feel free to add :)
  • I'm on a 1460 cal, but I weigh 260 and I am trying to get to 235. I was 320 lbs back in 06-07 and my ultimate goal is 220. I am not working out right now this is my 1st week. I plan to add exercise later on. Have u lost any weight on 1500 Cal yet?
  • skinnydreams1997
    skinnydreams1997 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm am 5'5 and I weigh 116-120 depending on the month. I have maintained my current weight eating up to 1600 calories in a day with exercise. Anything less than 1600 with or without exercise and I loose weight easily.
  • Hi, I'm at 1590, sedentary mostly and plan to treadmill/bike 30-60 minutes 4 times a week. Add me if you like - just started for real today.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I upped my calories because I was hungry and tired and if that's what it takes to lose weight, then no thanks! I'm 36, 160Lbs, and pretty sedentary outside of intentional exercise, as I work a desk job and drive 3 hours a day. Would like a couple friends who eat at least 1500, preferably without hours of exercise daily or huge calorie burns? Thanks!

    I'm eating around 1410. Some days I'm under, other days I'm over. My BMR is about 1536 (I think) and I'm 5'4". I can eat over that and still lose weight. What is your BMR? A lot of users advocate eating at or slightly above your BMR to reduce the amount of lean body mass (LBM) that you lose during your weight loss. You'll lose weight more slowly, but you'll look less worn out once you reach your goal. AND you won't be hungry for sure. Even with a sedentary lifestyle, you can eat above your BMR and lose weight steadily.

    ETA:: I'm recovering from a broken foot so I don't do any extra exercise aside from daily activities at work (lightly active).
  • Memyselfandi59
    Memyselfandi59 Posts: 43 Member
    How do you know how many calories to eat a day? I weigh 155.4 lbs as of today, sedentary lifestyle, apart from going to the gym 3x a week. I am allowing 1200 cal/day, but not sure if this is the right amount to lose weight. My goal is to get to 140 lbs by end of March. Any suggestions?
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    How do you know how many calories to eat a day? I weigh 155.4 lbs as of today, sedentary lifestyle, apart from going to the gym 3x a week. I am allowing 1200 cal/day, but not sure if this is the right amount to lose weight. My goal is to get to 140 lbs by end of March. Any suggestions?

    A lot of people feel too hungry at 1200 calories a day, even with a sedentary lifestyle. Because you're so close to your goal already, most people would suggest you set your goal to lose 1/2-1lb per week. See what your BMR is by clicking on "APPS" them "BMR". That is an estimate of the number of calories your body burns just by existing, without any walking or moving at all. You can easily eat at or slightly above that number an continue to lose weight. If you DO stick to 1200 calories, make sure you eat your exercise calories back.
  • Memyselfandi59
    Memyselfandi59 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks, I will check that out!
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    I'm 5'1", 124 lbs, and 43 years old. I strength train 3 X week, run 4 miles 3 X week. I'm losing about 1/2 lb a week. I don't think that's a crazy amount of exercise to do. I eat between 1600 and 1900 a day. You shouldn't have any problem losing weight eating 1500 a day. Even if you don't do that much exercise. All you have to do is have patience and perseverance.
  • zak138
    zak138 Posts: 40 Member
    Yup I'm on 1450-1500 a day and lost 11kg so far, 3-4 to go.
  • tamaruchan
    tamaruchan Posts: 8 Member
    I'm lightly active on a 1500 calorie, since I'm a college student and have to walk. I was way too hungry for the first couple of days when I was on the 1200 calorie diet.
  • I eat 1500 a day, and have lost about 5 lbs, I'm planning on losing about 22 lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    ME! Feel free to add me if you want. :flowerforyou:
  • jeanniemarie73
    jeanniemarie73 Posts: 41 Member
    I am!!
    feel free to add me

    Im doing TDEE -20%
    My exercise is included in the activity level so I log exercise as 1 calorie burned and eat @1500
    Im 40yrs 5'2 and @159 lbs
    did the 1200 calorie thing and was starving and weight loss stalled
    hoping to lose 20 more :)
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    I eat about 1500 calories a day sometimes a little less. The bulk of my exercise comes from walking my kids to school which takes me about an hour and I do a 2-3 weight training exercises about 3 days a week. I have reached my goal weight before weight 1500 calories or more a day. I say more because last year as I got closer to my goal weight I upped my daily calories to make a smoother adjustment.
    Feel free to add me.

    God bless,
  • Hi, I'm new to the message boards, I'm 48, 159llbs and aiming to eat 1450-1500 calories. i want to get down to 135lbs. I'm on day four so unsure if I am dropping fat yet. I do lift weights but infrequent cardio. Feel free to add me as a friend- no friends as yet.:smile:
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    My BMR is 1444, I'm 5'4" and at about 166 lbs. I'm aiming at 1550 net cals a day, if I workout I'll eat my calories back. I think this is a good starting point, I'm going to stick to it and see where I go from that.
  • Hi all. I'm just starting out on and just under 1500 calories, too - glad to find others in the same place! As far as how you know how much to eat, I'm working from the guidelines this site set for me based on my current weight, how much I want to lose, and my other stats. It's hard to wait, I know, but 1200 calories is not enough for virtually any adult for more than a few days and can lead to malnourishment :( From what you shared, I'd advise 1450-1500 (based on my own experience and training in nutrition) at least.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I eat 1575, sometimes 1600 and I've lost weight. I'm also eating keto-style, so that might be helping a bit.
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    1,500 calories and 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week worked for me when I lost 30 a while ago. It's hard to stick to that sometimes especially when I get lazy with the meal planning.