Need help staying motivated!

Hello everyone,

I have been on MFP for about 3 months now after gaining all the weight I lost 4 years ago back plus ALOT more! I have been very successful in losing 25lbs in the last 3 months and during the holidays I had a hard time sticking to clean eating and being at the gym and I was stuck at 247lbs. As of new years I got back on track and reading this community board helped a lot! So I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Mathan and trying to make some friends to stay motivated. MFP has helped me a lot. I have tried clean eating and gym in the last 4 years on and off, with no results at all. Now that I started using MFP, I actually stay on track and have been losing. Im 25 and I started at 269lbs and I am at 245lbs as of today. My goal is to be about 190-200lbs. I am 6'. None of my friends are willing to use MFP with me lol, and almost all my friends don't care about clean eating and a healthy life style, which I find it makes it a tincy wincy bit harder for me. So I thought I can make some new friends on here that have the same attitude towards having a healthy life style.

Hope to make some friends to keep me motivated and hope I am able to motivate others! Add me if you can use a friend to motivate you.