Nutrition for Femsport training

Hi everyone,

I've signed up for my first Femsport Challenge ( in May, and I have my workouts planned out, but I'm looking for nutrition advice to help maximize nutrient/vitamin absorption and get the most out of the food I eat. Has anyone done the Femsport Challenge before and if so, what did you eat during your training? Or has anyone done a Crossfit comp or any other sort of challenge that required strict training and dieting?

Thanks! :)


  • NancyLockington
    NancyLockington Posts: 1 Member
    Hi dree77

    This is Nancy, your Femsport Athletics president...I just noticed your post regarding nutrition for cmpetition and wanted to find out if you were able to connect with anyone in this regard. We also wanted to let you know that we have an official Registered Dietian/Nutritionist who has trained and competed in our events. Kristen Bell is a bundle of information and will gladly answer any questions you may have. Here is a link...

    Hope this helps...sorry we didn't see your post earlier!

    See you at the competition

    Healthy regards,
    Nancy Lockington