Not new, but could use some friends!

I've been on this site for awhile....actually I forget when I joined even lol. I mostly joined it just to keep track of calories. I used to write everything down in a tablet, but since I was getting on sites (like this one) to figure out calories, I decided "Why not just join and save the time?" I've been off and on, but I never got into the "community" aspect of it. So I figured I'd give it a shot!

Just some basics about me...I'm 21 years old, a little over 5' tall, and tend to weigh between 120 and 130 lbs. (135 the last month :mad: ahh, finally admitted it in public...) I've never been fat, and I realize that I'm not right now either, but I have those days that I look in a mirror and hate myself. I do have a good bit of muscle that accounts for my weight - I work out, run, and own horses, so I'm pretty active. During the summer, I probably put between 3 and 8 hours of horse riding a day (not including the care, grooming, etc.), plus running 5+ miles a day on average.

Unfortunately, winter (and Christmas time) always seem to get me. I hate cold weather with a passion - the short days, winter blues, and cold tends to make me think more about eating...and with all those leftover cookies and the craving for hot chocolate...this is the time I tend to fail. Thankfully, I bought myself a treadmill last January, so I run on it 5-7 days a week (no excuse for laziness!)

I'm looking to get down to 115 lbs. During the summer I normally hit low 120s easily, but I really want to get to 115 and maintain it. I've gone through phases where I can eat healthy no problem, and phases that every bad craving kicks in. I would love the extra kick-in-the-butt from people on here, and would be happy to give others some encouragement as well. Thanks :bigsmile: