Carbs and Calories



  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    Honestly, i would supplement with a protein powder. 150 isn't low carb at all, but very easy to stick to at 1200 cals if you're eating adequate protein and fat. You're not eating much of either! Increase your consumption of nuts, seeds, avo, good oils. These will help increase protein a little too. I'd cut out the cornflakes and stick the less calorie dense vegie based options for carbs.

    If that's the case, then I might lower the carbs then, if I find low carb to even be feasible.
    I've been a lacto-veg for many years and my low protein intake has always been an issue, I should probably fix that.
    Thank you!
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    I am struggling to get as much protein as recommended as I am eating a local only diet, I don't eat meat, I am a bit grossed out by dairy and there are no nuts grown in my area. That leaves beans, eggs and when I can get fish as my only major protein sources. If I were in your position I would do one of two things. Not worry too much about your nutrient breakdown and make sure you are getting enough calories because you seem to be getting whole foods and that is a plus or maybe you would consider a vegan protein powder with some high protein vegan milk.

    high protein vegi milk? :O
    I've never heard of that (unless you mean almond milk or soy milk), i'll check that out!
    I'll be experimenting with foods a bit more. Thanks!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm not veg*n, personally, so I can't offer detailed advice, but I found this article a while back that I think might be of use to you. It is possible to be low carb vegan if you're willing to eat quite a bit of soy (the sample meal day has some form of soy product at every meal).
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm not veg*n, personally, so I can't offer detailed advice, but I found this article a while back that I think might be of use to you. It is possible to be low carb vegan if you're willing to eat quite a bit of soy (the sample meal day has some form of soy product at every meal).

  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    If you eat dairy, try cottage cheese and greek yogurt which both have a lot of protein. Whey protein supplements would help too. They also make protein supplements from soy and pea. I would be careful about relying too heavily on soy products because they are usually genetically modified and can mess with your hormones in high doses.
  • AdrianBry
    AdrianBry Posts: 138 Member
    doesn't matter what you eat as long as you eat the RIGHT AMOUNT to lose weight. so if you eat 5000 calories worth of carrots (which would be hard) you'll gain weight and vice versa... if you ate 800 cals per day of resses cups or M & M's you'll lose weight but you'll mess up your teeth in the process