New friends needed

Hi and Happy New Year!

I'm from the UK and I started on MFP this time last year and got to my goal weight this December. The first few months of this year and on MFP helped kickstart a lifestyle change (that from time to time does slip). However exercise has become a big part of my life along with healthy eating. Like most people Nov/December everything went a little down hill.

I haven't been on MFP for about five months, but I know having some great support from friends on here really made my journey on here easier. My goals this year is more about fitness levels, than weight loss (however I do have some extra baggage to shed). I'd love to make some new friends whatever your weightloss/fitness goals it would be great to share the journey with you. So if anyone would like to add me that would be great :)

Good look with all your goals xxx


  • Hi Lucy

    Welcome back. I hope you achieve everything you dream of through hard work and perseverance.

    Friend request coming at ya!

    Lynsey x
  • Hi, I'm Amanda. I've been playing around with MFP for over a year. In the last 5 months, I've lost 25 pounds. So, now I want to be serious about logging my food & activity and keeping engaged here. Please add me.