Would love some weight loss friends and support.

Hello, my names Emily, I've done this weight loss thing before but of course gained back the weight. I'm not obese in fact I'm on the higher end of normal. I have lots of flabby bits and bobs that I want to get rid of, and I'm not happy with my body at all. Currently 19 and at university and looking to be happy and healthy and loose just 1 stone so I can feel a bit more myself again. I really want to keep this up and would love some supportive friends who are simalar to me, or would just like some support or vice versa. We all know what support can do to get us to our goals. Please add me.


  • aireeul
    aireeul Posts: 46
    i'm like you, i lose weight and then gain some of it back. ugh, i feel you. i'm at a healthy bmi, but i'm not happy. anyway, i'll add you. :smile:
  • pianoplaya94
    pianoplaya94 Posts: 185 Member
    Hi :) This is my first time on the forum part of the site but I've been using the app for a few months. I'm 19 as well :) I'm also in the normal range but would like to lose a few more pounds. Currently about 127-128 but looking to be 120... so the last few pounds are really hard. Early last year I was 145 though. I hate going to the gym and I have to force myself to... it feels like a chore and I like to eat so dieting kind of sucks :tongue: I think I just need motivation to keep me going to the gym and from cheating :laugh: