Early Morning Workouts.. PLEASE help!



  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    I set my alarm for about 20 minutes before I need to get up. I hit snooze twice before getting out of bed and still have time to do the workout. I can slowly wake up which works for me. When I started, I set my alarm for the time that I needed to be out of bed. I wouldn't make it, and by the time I'd actually get out of bed, it would be too late to work out.
  • txgirlbikerchick
    txgirlbikerchick Posts: 17 Member
    I love the tip "Start at the end of the week" to help ease into it! I am gonna try that as I am in the same boat...need to leave house by 445 to be at my gym class. Gonna try that this week. Thanks for sharing!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you aren't getting enough sleep, I'd work on that first. Getting enough sleep is FAR more important for general health than waking up early to exercise.
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    What about walking during your lunch hour? If you get a full hour, you can pack a lunch and have time for a 30 minute walk. Depending on the environment (neighborhood, etc.) you may be able to walk outside or in your office building, down stairs, etc.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I use an app alarm clock called "I can't wake up". I have an andriod phone but I'm sure it's also available for iphone. It sets tasks that force you to concentrate, really helps me to wake up - you have to get the right answers or the alarm keeps going off. Slightly torturous, but what isn't at 6:30am :bigsmile:

    And I am REALLY not a morning person, but it does make you feel more awake and like you've achieved something when you work out in the morning :)

    Lol to people that think 6:30 is early. :laugh:

    Truth. 6:30? I've slept in.

    There are some nice "tricks" that have been mentioned, but it all boils down to one simple thing. Either you want to do it, or you don't. If you truly want to do it, you don't need any tricks. You just do it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I use an app alarm clock called "I can't wake up". I have an andriod phone but I'm sure it's also available for iphone. It sets tasks that force you to concentrate, really helps me to wake up - you have to get the right answers or the alarm keeps going off. Slightly torturous, but what isn't at 6:30am :bigsmile:

    And I am REALLY not a morning person, but it does make you feel more awake and like you've achieved something when you work out in the morning :)

    Lol to people that think 6:30 is early. :laugh:

    LOL seriously. :laugh:
  • tigerbunny91
    I'm terrible at waking up early, so i work out on the evengs- but if I do work out early I set multiple alarms and make myself a strong coffee, eat some fruits and I'm usually good to go.
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    LOTS of great tips here!

    I started getting up in the mornings just a couple months ago and i must say I LOVE IT!!

    It's HARD but like some others said you really do get used to it. And I do 30 min in the am so it's not a huge difference at the end of the day time wise. I lay out all my workout gear have to get up right away (as to not wake up my husband who can sleep another hour) I also have a buddy (sometimes two) that texts me in the morning so we hold each other accountable, and this has been a huge motivator for me!

    I drink a full glass of water and start slow in my warm up, but once i'm moving i'm feeling pretty great, then the rest of the day is usually pretty good. Not only do i feel a sense of accomplishment walking around knowing that i'm done with my workout and the fact that it's not hanging over my head the rest of the day is soooo worth it!!
  • k8mcminn
    k8mcminn Posts: 49 Member
    Workout with friends.I did this several years ago and if anyone missed the 5:30 spin class we would hear about it :)

    Now I work out with my husband daily. Up at 4:45 and off to the gym, running or yoga. This replaced my 63 mile commute to work and I am trying to get rid of the resulting weight gain and genreal stiffness.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    The only other tips I can think of that haven't been covered that work for me are:

    -Chug a cold glass of water when you first wake up. The coffee would work too, I'm sure (I've never tried it), but I find that the cold water kind of shocks my system awake right away and sets everything in motion to start the day...Then, I drink coffee and it gives me the long-haul energy. .Could just be me, though.
    -I don't care if it's gross to some people, I straight up sleep in the clothes I'm planning to work out in the next morning. Sports bras are comfortable to me, and it gives me so much incentive to actually make it to the gym. I don't even have to get dressed, I just have to fix my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth, and put shoes on. It reminds me not to be lazy because I'm all ready to go for the most part.
    -I know that a lot of people have been saying to work out before eating, but i disagree. I find that an apple and 2 tbs of peanut butter pre-workout gives me the energy I need to actually get a good work out in. Otherwise, I just go through the motions like a zombie and don't even break a sweat. I want my workouts to count!

    Hope that helps! There's some really awesome advice on this thread that I plan to start trying :)
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I use an app alarm clock called "I can't wake up". I have an andriod phone but I'm sure it's also available for iphone. It sets tasks that force you to concentrate, really helps me to wake up - you have to get the right answers or the alarm keeps going off. Slightly torturous, but what isn't at 6:30am :bigsmile:

    And I am REALLY not a morning person, but it does make you feel more awake and like you've achieved something when you work out in the morning :)

    Lol to people that think 6:30 is early. :laugh:

    Anything before 12pm is early!! :p:bigsmile:
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks! I've always wondered about Protein powders. Do they help with energy really? I'm open to any suggestions here. Any brand you like specifically?
  • djjd26
    djjd26 Posts: 12
    I agree with a lot of the previous comments. Being ready at night and even sleeping in or right next to your cloths makes a difference for me in the am. Having to get up, find what I am going to wear and then go kills my mood!
    I also get everything for work and the girl;s school lunchs ready the day before. This gives me no excuse.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    no real tips. just warrior the **** up and do it. my boyfriend tends to refer to this Aristotle quote: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

    if you want to excel, create a matching habit.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I get up, start my coffee, get dressed, pour my coffee (in a go mug) finish lunches and shoot to be at the gym at 445 on weekdays. That way I can do some cardio and weights. For me coffee and the pre workout movement is key
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I had to change to exercising in the morning once I had kids. It takes a while to get used to it. I get up and eat 1/2 a banana and also take a pre workout that wakes me up. The tiredness around lunch fades with time, as long a you eat regularly. Give it a go for a month :)
  • JohnsElan
    Just giv'er and get'er! Standup at first alarm, clap your hands and say "Im'ma excercise first thing". 21 times makes a habit!

    Oh, yeah! And drink the coffee!