new friend

:wink: I'm very nervous writing on the net but guess I need to start somewhere..........I am trying to stop smoking and tryingto lose 75to 100lbs. Today is my first day doing this and am hoping my enthusiam for this journey stays with me to the end I'mglad to know that I have access to people who are on the same journey and are willing ? To help a new friend


  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome Hermione! You are in the right place and off to a great start. Every journey starts with a step right? I wont lie to you, losing weight is hard work, which of course I am sure you already know ;) We are all on a similar journey here and will help you in any way we can. Make sure to look here especially on those days when your enthusiasm might not be as high as it was in the beginning. Look forward to getting to know you and working this journey together.
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome both of you! To me this is not a diet but a life style change. I have tried a number of programs, but this so far has been the only one that has worked for me. I never feel deprived because I can eat anything I want as long as I log it. It's all about portion control and exercise. Over the holidays it was a little rough for me, and I did go up 10lbs, but I am more focused now then ever. I try to log in everyday and have an open diary. If you are looking to add new friends add me.

    Take care and good luck!
  • timmer74
    timmer74 Posts: 46 Member
    I quit smoking and didn't gain weight. The key for me was the proper frame of mind.

    There is a book that could really help you... it's called "The Easyway to quit smoking" by Alan Carr. If you let this guys word sink in, you will realize that you are not giving up anything when you quit smoking. This sounds ridiculous at first, but once you hear him out, he makes a tonne of sense.

    Feel free to add me... I really like to know how it word out for you.