MFP Newbie


Stumbled across this site and what a wonderful trip! As so many of us endeavor in a New Year start, I am privileged to join your ranks in our weight loss goals.

Already delighted in the user friendly food diary, I am hopeful that this site will be a productive addition to my efforts in disciplining myself back into shape.

I admit...I've grown lazy. A once devoted gym dweller, I have lapsed into couch-potato-itis. So bit by bit, I hope to regain the zeal I once contained.

Thanks to all who contribute and I lift a toast to all who have the bravado to take their life...and weight...into their own hands! :drinker:


  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    MFP rocks, but don't think of it as a diet. It is a life-altering tool that empowers you to impact your health which in turn affects everything else you do. Welcome!
  • RobinAlexader
    RobinAlexader Posts: 196 Member
    Welcome! :) You'll soon find that MFP is a wonderful support system. This site has definitely helped push me further.
    I wish you good luck. If you ever need friends, feel free to add me, we could all use the extra support.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    good luck to you and your journey