Help! Loose Thigh Skin After Losing 150 Lbs

Hello i went from 327 to 180 in 18 months through exercise (mainly cardio being honest) and diet.
I have extreme loose back thigh skin. Im 26 but skin looks 36.
How can i post a pic??

I do Heavy Leg Press at the gym
Deadlifts and Squats



  • ldressle66
    Most likely will need surgery due to rapid weight loss...check with your doctor.
  • momofGD
    momofGD Posts: 110 Member
    From what people say who have had the issue, or have it, that it does tend to get better with time. Eat right, keep exercising, lift weights and eventually it will look better but probably never totally go away. Or you could get surgery.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Sorry tried to help but it does not work
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Your skin looks 36, gross!!! Those people in their 30's are just icky!:/ all smart azzzzness aside, awesome job!!!
  • PeaceHappinessBalance
    I don't know but Great job with your weightloss that's awesome!!!!!!:smile:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Nope. Can't see it.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Your skin looks 36, gross!!! Those people in their 30's are just icky!:/ all smart azzzzness aside, awesome job!!!

    This is what I thought too. (You can only imagine how horrible my skin looks at 42!) But yes, congrats on your success!
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    Blow up a balloon. Keep it inflated for a while and then deflate it. It's not going to look like it once did.

    What can you do about your loose skin?

    Eat well, stay hydrated, moisturize, exercise (strength training especially), hope genetics are on your side, be patient, and thank God all that skin isn't filled up with fat anymore.

    Outside of surgery, there's no quick fix. Good job with the weight loss, though. Keep up the good work.
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    That is not what 36 year old skin looks like. Nor is it what 46 year old skin looks like. It looks to me (admittedly untrained, non-expert) like something you should have a medical professional look at. Sooner rather than later.

    OP, do not freak out over this person's ignorance. It's loose skin. I don't have it where you do, but I do have some. Mine looks a little different because it is in a different place and also because our skin tone is much different, but it is still just loose skin and one of those unpleasant side effects of carrying too much weight for too long. Yours doesn't look abnormal in any way. As someone who has been there and knows what loose skin looks like, I am saying that the only reason you need to "have a medical professional look" is if it causes problems like a rash or infection, or if you are truly worried about it. I want to smack that poster for the douchebaggery their original comment (edited of course) displayed and the ignorance they left up.
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    That is not what 36 year old skin looks like. Nor is it what 46 year old skin looks like. It looks to me (admittedly untrained, non-expert) like something you should have a medical professional look at. Sooner rather than later.

    OP, do not freak out over this person's ignorance. It's loose skin. I don't have it where you do, but I do have some. Mine looks a little different because it is in a different place and also because our skin tone is much different, but it is still just loose skin and one of those unpleasant side effects of carrying too much weight for too long. Yours doesn't look abnormal in any way. As someone who has been there and knows what loose skin looks like, I am saying that the only reason you need to "have a medical professional look" is if it causes problems like a rash or infection, or if you are truly worried about it. I want to smack that poster for the douchebaggery their original comment (edited of course) displayed and the ignorance they left up.

    To be clear: I really, sincerely hope you're correct and that I was completely mistaken. It's not the kind of thing I have any investment in being "right" about and it wasn't my intention to be hurtful in any way. If my closest friend showed me a similar self pic, I would have recommended they visit a doctor to make sure everything was ok.

    This being the internet, I realize that the things each of us write end up interpreted through a different lens by each person that reads them and that sometimes it's not enough that you didn't intend to be a giant douchecanoe if what you said/wrote ended up filtering through in a hurtful way anyway ... So, I apologize. It wasn't my intention to be offensive, or say anything mean, or even stupid but, judging by your reaction, I failed, and I'm sorry.

    As a slight aside: I only edited my original post for grammar. Not that I wouldn't have yanked something down if I'd realized I was being hurtful 'cause I would have. But I really just fixed a couple typo's.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    OP, from what I understand, weight lifting takes care of the loose skin. LIFT WEIGHTS and there should be less of a problem.

    Here's expert Tom Venuto
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    never mind. I couldn't post your pic either
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    Can't see pics but congratulations on your fantastic weight loss. :drinker:
  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    It's just loose skin. It's not the end of the world. Congrats on your weight loss! Seriously, job well done.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Firstly, congrats of your weightloss, you should be proud.

    I heard it takes a year or so for your skin to catch up a bit after you've finished losing weight. No one can say how much or if your skin will tighten up but there is time for improvement yet.

    Surgery could be an option in the future or you could try less invasive treatments such as derma rolling. I'm too chicken for all those needles so I tried 6 sessions of non invasive laser lipo on my tummy and although its mean't for fat loss it really firmed up the skin there quite a lot and it doesn't droop everywhere quite so much now. I would love to have more when I've saved up a bit.

    I guess the only other option might be to try and fill out your skin a bit more again with muscle or fat?
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