Back in the saddle.... A.G.A.I.N.

Well, I'm back after a year of succumbing to depression over a family argument and then the stress of being thrust into a role at work that I wasn't prepared to take on. I was looking at my weight report for last year and can clearly see that I can learn something from last year. It was not a throw away year and I'm not a failure. My weight jumps 10 pounds when all the stress and depression were piled on. Clearly that means I need to find a better way to handle stress. I am a stress eater. I can admit it now. I couldn't before. I will own it and learn to manage it this year.

That's all for now. The journey continues.



  • timmer74
    timmer74 Posts: 46 Member
    I've had my own battles with stress and I know it was a big part of my weight issues..... Feel free to add me if ya want some extra motivation.