1st Day of a new me

So today is the 1st day to a new me - might take a while, but hey, we'll get there! After about 2 years (bad/lame, I know), I got back on the stationary bike - and thought I was going to flake it!!! But I stuck at it, and kept telling myself it will get easier. The one big thing I have to get used to, is the portion sizes and the food diary. The main problem for me is that I don't just like food, I LOVE food, and my portion sizes are just way out of whack. Once I get them under control, and once I get used to exersizing regulary again, then the weight should come down. With encouragement and hints/tips from people here, It should be doable!!:smile:


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Eat at a reasonable deficit, don't overly restrict your diet and get a little exercise. It's pretty easy really. Good luck!
  • keroppikeroppi007
    thanks for your encouragement !